If you begin with the premise that Trump is (1) a racist, and (2) a tool of Putin, every single thing he does as President makes perfect sense. Why go through contortions to seek alternative explanations?
I’m Schizophrenic…
No I’m Not
Yes I am
Ladies and Gentleman
Your President
Interesting deveopment:
Adult-film actress Stormy Daniels was arrested at a strip club in Columbus, Ohio after allegedly touching patrons during a Wednesday night performance, according to police.
Avenatti said the arrest was a politically-motivated “sting operation.” He said his client was “performing the same performance that she has conducted at over a hundred strip clubs around the country.”
A spokesman for the Franklin County Sheriff’s office could find no instances in which the 2007 law had been used, he told the Dispatch.
You know he’s really got up a head of steam and he’s rolling with the fact-free assertions when he starts talking about how unprecedentedly good the “spirit” of something is.
I’m a self assessed genius and the biggest dickhead on Earth
Question for Supreme Court pick and far right wing anti-abortion activist Matt Kavanaugh:
Does Kavanaugh believe it would be Constitutional for Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan to get off their fat asses and do something before Trump destroys what is left of our nation BY restoring the pre-existing condition coverage for mental health coverage given how sick and ignorant Trump is and how he desperately needs professional help? If yes, thank you. If no, then the administration itself better invoke the 25th amendment because we have a crooked mobster in the White House who is completely nuts!
He’d ice skate right around that.
So here’s Dump trying to pretend his temper tantrums have had any effect at all. Yawn.
I heard Mara Laieson (sorry, spelling?) on NPR this morning. She said her head was spinning, then essentially concluded that Drumpf had ended up having a great NATO meeting after all, as he claimed. She seemed unable to get her spinning head around the concept that he was just doing his usual grandiose bullshitting.
My guess is that the other members of NATO are just nodding their heads to placate him with the hope he will be gone in two years or sooner.
As a person reared in Europe I can assure you that none of the folks in that meeting think like Trump does. They are on to him. For months Trump ranted about the “threat” from North Korea. None existed. He ratcheted up the rhetoric between NK and the USA. Then had a meeting with Kim and now the threat, that never was, is gone and it was Trump’s greatness that did it. In the run up to this NATO meeting Trump ranted about NATO being a pile of shit. It sucked and he was going to get out. Then Trump had a meeting and now NATO is what it’s always been. “something fantastic”. Again it was Trump’s greatness that did it.
There’s no phase in Dutch that parallels “full of shit”. But Trump got the message across and Jens Stoltenberg read it loud and clear.
Yes! Amen! Sing it!
Watching the talking heads over the last few days has been frustrating as hell. Just say it guys.
and an irrelevant one. Is that the best whataboutism you got?
But der Furor always lies.
Well, he’s also a corrupt self-promoter and narcissist.
Macron stated that Spanky did not threaten to leave NATO and there was no change to members’ spending levels. Who do you believe?
Kelly apparently couldn’t finish his breakfast because of Spanky’s rants. Of course Madame Hamhock said he didn’t like Continental breakfasts. Kimmel was all over it.
Agreed. Merkel doesn’t hesitate to hide her contempt, Macron puts on a false smile that fails to hide his disgust, and others humor him. My favorite was the Icelandic PM who just stared at him in the photo ops with hatred.
He is working really hard to get that Nobel prize, saving the US from nuclear with North Korea in June and our European allies from Russia in July. What else is left to do.