Discussion: Trump Calls McCain A 'Hero' Now That He Will Return To DC For O'care Vote

Situational heroes.


Sounds good to me.


Everybody is eager to see McCain not be a Maverick again. (It always was an invention of his ghostwriter.)

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Go to war on behalf of your country, spend years being tortured as a POW, and youā€™re not a hero because Trump prefers soldiers who donā€™t get caught (or, going by his own record, people who donā€™t serve).

But show up in Congress with brain cancer to cast a vote taking away health insurance for tens of millions of people, and thatā€™s Donald Trumpā€™s definition of ā€œheroicā€.

These people are fucking evil.


My, my. Trump just made his 11 year old a subject fit for conversation.


Wish I could like this post 1000 X
You just want to ask .
Hey Johnny Maverick
Did you get good health care while you were away?
I was aghast at those saying die already when he got sick.
I take it back
Good suggestion


[quote=ā€œcentralasiaexpat, post:3, topic:59596ā€]
Jared Kushner did very well yesterday in proving he did not collude with the Russians. Witch Hunt. Next up, 11 year old Barron Trump!
[/quote]First - Kushner didnā€™t prove shit. He claimed he didnā€™t collude and may have shown heā€™s incompetent. Second, Barron probably has as much sense as the rest of them. Melania or someone should keep him away from the evil influence.


I wish I had even a tiny bit of faith in McCain to do the right thing. And to then get the enjoyment of seeing Trumpā€™s reaction.


I could be a little more charitable toward Senator McCain if he had not spent a few years supporting the DREAM Act bill and then walked away from it when it came to a vote. He, along with other ā€œsupportersā€ would not break the filibuster to bring the bill to the Senate floor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DREAM_Act
P,S. I hope and pray for a speedy recovery for McCain from his illness.

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Trump doesnā€™t regret anything. That part of being human is not in him. She should have been asked when McCain stopped being a no good POW and become a hero. Fighting for America makes you a no count but fighting for Trumps BS makes you a ā€œheroā€.


Sen. McCain has that option. If he takes it heā€™ll become a national icon. Theyā€™ll put him on the dollar bill.

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These people are fucking evil.

I agree totally, but in this instance it requires the willing, abject subservience of John McCain. Any person with a particle of self-respect, and respect for the American military, would have publicly told Donald Trump to stick it up his ass back in 2015 when Trump made that comment. McCain would have been perfectly justified in punching Trump in the face, and millions of Americans would have cheered him if heā€™d done so.

Trump is a sociopath, but like all great con men, he has an unerring ability to sniff out patsies who are easily manipulated and wonā€™t stand up for themselves. Up till now, thereā€™s no indication that John McCain isnā€™t one of them.

For that matter, itā€™s amazing how a cretinous numbskull like Blake Farenthold can make the misogynist comments he did yesterday about Collins, Murkowski, and Capito, and none of them apparently have the spine to publicly tell him to go fuck himself. One of the infuriating things about our current political climate is how seldom the non-crazy peopleā€”Republican and Democrat alikeā€”stand up for themselves.


If thereā€™s justice in the universe and good in the hearts of men, this would be a ā€œnoā€ vote. It would be one of final acts of a man who had seen the worst in humanity and decided to do something useful for millions of people as he himself is suffering a potentially life-ending disease, and a giant ā€œfuck youā€ to Trump.

But this is John McCain. Party before country, every time.


Why would ANYONE ever buy one iota of the BS that drips out of this reprehensible toadā€™s mouth???

Donald Trump is amoral.

The Gasbag from Trump Tower is just that with the emphasis on gas! But I have lost respect for McCain. Now that he has to cope with serious illness I wish him well. Butā€¦he can be relied upon to tow the party lineā€¦hereā€™s hoping he will stand for principle, The emphasis is on the word hope.

Oh please FSM, make McCain vote no on MTP if for no other reason that to make Trump have a complete meltdown and cause him to drop F bombs on Twitter and live on television.


Does anyone predict that McCain will vote no on the MTP?
Probably not, given his record of self-humiliation, but this circumstance could be different.

I know Iā€™m just dreaming, but I would be thrilled if McCain gives Pee the big fat middle-finger by voting No.

I know, Iā€™m just dreamingā€¦