Discussion: Trump Calls Local Sheriff After Deadly Las Vegas Mass Shooting

What a great pleasure to speak with our President @realDonaldTrump.

So, Vegas sheriff a lick spittle toady.

I hope the sheriff has more important things to do today than to pick that fight.


How many calls have you made to Puerto Rico, you pig, where three million Americans remain in desperate straits?


Trump’s thought bubble, {Who could have known what harm an automatic weapon could do?}

Why didn’t he call the Mayor of LV?

Second thought bubble “Hope Sheriff doesn’t know I lost to Crooked Hillary in Clark County.”


“…and find out if there’s some black guy or Muslim guy or Puerto Rican guy involved. I need something to take the heat off this hurricane fuck-up.”

Of course, if this shooting had happened at a rap festival and 50+ blah people had been shot and killed, Trump and all the right-wingers would be screaming about the “gangsta culture” and how Beyoncé and Jay-Z and black kids carrying iced tea and Skittles were the true enemies of America and its children.
But it was a retired white guy with a hunting license so, you know, start digging those graves and, lest we forget, “thoughts and prayers, y’all!”




My guess is he gave a token nod to the tragedy before mentioning the NRA and then going on a fifty minute rant about Puerto Rico and the NFL

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On August 3, 2016, Goodman declined to endorse Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump on the 2016 presidential election.

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FIFY! :wink:

To be clear, making a timely phone call was the right thing to do, for once.

It’s amazing how quickly the right thing gets done for the right group of people. The people of Puerto Rico must be wondering what’s a person got to do.


Did he blame the sheriff like he did the SJ mayor? Wonder if it will take a week for him to get federal help…jk.

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Ah. Woman.