Discussion: Trump Calls for Mass Arrests of Protestors, Blames Sanders

Discussion for article #247308

The problem with someone like Trump is that the whatever heā€™s selling as the threat to his and our existence never goes away, it just morphs into something else. I feel like we just crossed a threshold over the past couple of days. Trumpā€™s ā€œotherā€ just went from being a generically defined swath of demographic characteristics to a specific group, the ā€œprotestorsā€ against who are against him. Is it too early to predict an uptick in political violence* this summer?

*(like being pushed down by a black man who lightly scratches a backwards ā€œHā€ onto your face. And this time itā€™s gotta work since H looks the same whether itā€™s forwards or backwards!)

Trump says protesters arenā€™t Real Americans. Heā€™d be happier if they were sent to a concentration camp.

Bring it on.

Edit: Unfortunately, this is serious. Just up on TPM:

Trump Supporter: ā€œGo To Fucking Auschwitzā€

I feel like Trumpā€™s opponents hold back for fear of a self-Godwin. I think Bill Maher said, itā€™s OK to compare someone to Nazis if they really are nazis.

when is the Night of the Long Knives and Kristallnacht?

The 1930s. Whatā€™s happening now is not even 1968.

Hair Drumpf has issued a challenge to the protesters and, I suspect, that challenge will be met en masse.


As to blaming Sanders ā€” Perhaps sane people just hate orange-haired bigots.

He says heā€™s "going to start pressing charges against all these people."This, a day after he called off a planned Chicago event because it attracted so many protesters. Trump says arrests would mar their records. Thatā€™s ā€œgoing to ruin the rest of their lives,ā€ he says. And then, he tells supporters, ā€œweā€™re not going to have any more protesters, folks.ā€ Trump also blamed Bernie Sandersā€™ supporters for trouble at his rallies.

##I know one guy who got arrested in Chicago for a very worthy cause, and as it turns out, not only did it not ruin his life, heā€™s running for President right now ā€“ and heā€™s consistently destroying Donald Trump in the polls!


And after the protestors, we can round up the journalists, the progressives, anyone who isnā€™t lily white and christian (small c intended). and anyone who doubts anything that I have ever said, no matter how contradictory to anything else I may have said. Methinks the hair spray fumes have finally taken over his cerebral cortex.

point being history repeatsā€¦

ā€œThose who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,ā€
George Santayana

Drumph the authoritarian has found his niche among his supporters who long not so much to be told what to do, but to have the whole worldā€™s confusion and anxiety reduced to the business of the fearless leaders. Their fears that have been so carefully nurtured by the Republican paranoia apparatus, drive them into the waiting arms of one that assures them that he can handle everything scary for them. To be sure they will be told what to do think and believe if their candidate takes over.

Hey, it works for The Peopleā€™s Republic of Korea doesnā€™t it? Nobody there has to worry about what the grand poobah is up to. In fact if they do, they and their family will be imprisoned, and the rest of their very short life expectancy will be ruined, as Drumph advocates.

It sprinkled rain last night and the trails will be in choice condition for a mountain bike ride this morning. Iā€™m outahere. You all do something nice for your selves too.

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My point is that the Nazi history to which you allude is not repeating itself. Nor is Trumpā€™s campaign rally ā€œviolenceā€ anywhere near the campaign violence of 1968 - even before the Democratic convention. Hyperbole does not facts nor history make.

if youā€™re alluding to the ā€˜whole world is watchingā€™ police riot of 1968, compliments of Da Mayor of Chicgao, youā€™re making the wrong comparisonā€¦

Donnie Dipstickā€™s words and action are much more reminiscent of Nazi propaganda and actions reviling the ā€˜OTHERā€™ ie commies and jews and the unfair Treaty of Versailles as the cause of Germanyā€™s woesā€¦ this is the compact edition of courseā€¦

but the rhetoric of people of color, making the country ā€˜greatā€™, militaristic Jingoism as the solution the international problems are very repetitive of the pastā€¦

my hyperbole of referencing the Night of the Long Knives and Kristallnacht is my wondering when the provoked events will lead to Donnieā€™s ā€˜martyrdomā€™ā€¦