Discussion: Trump Calls For Another North Korea Summit

Well that was easy. Now if Trump could be trusted.

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Spanky is “going to take it easy” for a while. What, golf four days a week, working 2 hours on the other three days? Don’t strain yourself, you might bust a blood vessel.


In the next one, he will push for a re-united Korea with his new talented and trusted buddy L’il Kimmie as the Supreme Leader…

John Bolton will be offered for live target practice in the DMZ…


he’s eager to “take it a little bit easy” now that the highly anticipated summit is over.

Well, he ought to, with all of the studying and preparation he did.

Any word from South Korea or Japan yet?


We can only hope…

Damn press conference was longer than the meeting.


He joked that he “may stand before you in six months and say, ‘Hey, I was wrong.’” But he says, “I don’t know that I’ll ever admit that.”

And, once again, if a Democratic POTUS had said that, it would have superseded every newscast with calls for investigation.

From this MSM, just crickets.


Now if they could have that 2nd meeting in the WH before 11/18 or 11/20 it would be SO good for optics.

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He was just joking. Nothing counts if its a joke or sarcasm.

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“All Hat, No Cattle.”

This is the test site that was damaged and made useless as a result of the last bomb test:

"Sylvain Barbot, one of the authors of the study, said: “This means that a
very large domain has collapsed around the test site, not merely a
tunnel or two.”


Florida is dismantling its sink holes too.

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Yeah, but it’s the thought that counts.

Trumpp deserves all the credit. If he hadn’t been so belligerent, Kim wouldn’t have accelerated completion of his nuke testing and the site would still be usable and in use while the testing continued on the original schedule.

All hail the Prince of Pees.

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Now that they’ve gotten their missiles working well enough they don’t need the test site, genius. And besides, all the missiles they’ve tested were launched from mobile launchpads, so they could only destroy one of their haulers and fulfill the letter of the agreement. Boy, did you get played.