There has been some outliers reporting on cable from the WH once again trying to normalize his behavior and actions, but besides Faux ‘News’ (they really shouldn’t be allowed to have that in their title anymore than Facebook should be able run faux ads) and Brietbart, I see his approval numbers continuing to tank.
And then there’s this, which hasn’t yet been widely reported:
That must be a first for a Republican Pisher-in-Chief and his administration.
Yeah, because Tom Steyer is tweeting at 6 in the morning, tossing paper towels into crowds, and looking directly at a solar eclipse. He’s the wacky, unhinged one…tell us more, Orange Face.
Steyer is the environmentalist billionaire if I recall. Its refreshing to see an ad like this. I doubt it will move many people who aren’t already onboard with that view, but its so good to see people take on this Man-baby, if for no other reason than to prove the rest of us aren’t crazy in being forced to put up with his shit. Let’s face it, living under a tRumpelthinskin Regime is crazy-making as it is. We’re all being subjected to his daily abuse and neglect.
I doubt it too. But I’m always glad to see subjects such as “impeachment” and “mental instability” pass through the national news ticker. There’s too many people who don’t love Trump but don’t hate him either and dismiss him as “colorful” or “outspoken” or “rough around the edges” and feel a little funny about those tweets but what the hell we just don’t elect crazy people as President so how bad can it be really? If enough of them go to a barbecue and hear another friend complaining that Trump’s “unstable” the truth that’s been in front of them all along may start to emerge in their conscious minds. We just have to get used to these ideas as a nation.
There are not enough euphemisms in the English language to ascribe to Trumps mental state in any given day.The man is a mental patient masquerading as functioning human being.
This takes me back to the good old days when Trump was just a candidate insulting his republican opponents, and people weren’t running around like chicken little screaming the sky was falling.