Discussion: Trump Breaks With His Party To Propose 6 Weeks Paid Maternity Leave

So which Republican will be the first to say this, of all things, is a step too far to stay behind Trump?


He really has no idea, does he. Ivanka came out and eloquently introduced her dad with a load of fairy tales and children’s fables that would make him sound like someone who knew something about what government does. Then the cave man emerged to propose something he knew nothing about.


None of them.


Trump would do well as would Clinton to look to Canada where a more civil society encourages children, their parents, and paid time off to encourage new parents to have a good start when a baby is born.

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I was listening to Mark Levin yesterday afternoon(always tune in for a laugh) and he was extremely upset about this(and so were his listeners). They were also peeved about Trump’s suggested tax credit.


Obviously this plan was scaled-down from the original which included three months of Pilates classes to get that body back into shape so that your boss could appreciate it when you got back to work.


He has no intention of actually bringing this policy to fruition – never has, never will.


I’d agree, but it came from (creepy) Daddy’s little girl…Donnie will do anything for his little Lolita…


Exactly. Part of the paid leave will be for tips on how to become attractive and sexy again… to daddy.


Ummm, bucking his Party would be him paying for this by increasing the taxes on the wealthy.

And 6 weeks. Sorry, not too impressed. Hillary calls for at least twice that much.

But lets jump for joy that he’s sounding presidential and this plan didn’t call for building a wall!


So Trump’s decided to jump on the “free stuff” bandwagon? This won’t go over well with the hardcore misogynists who make up his base, not to mention the Republican establishment, which is dedicated to protecting the fetus but considers that babies can take care of themselves. It’s only a step away from proposing amnesty for illegal immigrants.


If you listen carefully it’s really an attack on unemployment benefits, pretending there’s enough fraud to fund this idea. This is a lie.


This is a complete basket of lies, on many levels.


There are some timeworn dodges in the world–“I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?” comes to mind-- but “Eliminate waste and fraud” is certainly one of the timeworniest ones. It would be just as plausible to say you’ll pay for the program by establishing a Department of Digging Up Pirate Treasure.


I’m sure Ivanka’s policy suggestions are cogent. No doubt motivated and informed by the panic and despair she endured while wondering how she would cope and keep up with the bills after giving birth.

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Unemployed people are deplorable.

Paul Ryan: That sounds like a good plan. I would prefer it to be 12 months paid leave for both mother and father. Trump will get our full support and this will be a law on day 1 of his presidency.

“Appearing with daughter Ivanka in Aston, Pennsylvania, the Republican nominee said that the plan, which would not be transferrable (sic) to fathers …”

Why not? Women do not need six weeks to recover physically from childbirth, so why give this benefit only to mothers? Most fathers these days provide equal parenting, with the limitation being breast feeding. However, most women can pump and store their milk to be fed to the baby with a bottle, and Similac is ubiquitous.

Those six weeks are six of the hardest weeks of parenting, when the mother is recovering physically from childbirth and in many cases suffer from post partum depression. It is a time of great upheaval and change, especially for a first child, where every process developed as a couple is disrupted and all new processes need to be learned and implemented.

Parental and family leave should be gender neutral, especially in this day and age when we are trying to rebalance gender roles in parenting.


I think I love you!

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