Murkowski, Flake & Collins. Shaky and tentative hope that they will step up.
My two cents.
Bloviating gas bag goes to rally and lies.
Please try one of your rallies in Boston or New York
I guarantee the reception won’t be so warm
Probably true. Republicans stick together.
What a needy asshole.
Maddow talked me down last night
They only need one defection and she said what female senator (Mccowski, Collins or others) will want the roll back of Roe Vs Wade on their resume
There is no evidence that they care about what is on their résumé or anything else but their own power. They always talk like they care, but when the chips are down they always vote hardline Republican. Always.
Just look at the recent healthcare votes.
Flake isn’t going to vote no. He doesn’t like Trump, but he’s a hard-core conservative on issues. Neither Murkowski nor Collins will stand up to the pressure of Trump, McConnell, the GOP establishment, Fox News, and the rest of the conservative world. Whoever they nominate won’t testify as to his or her position on Roe v. Wade, which will give Murkowski and Collins room to vote yes.
As much as I don’t want to believe it, I don’t think he’s wrong here. I mean Kennedy only had to wait a few more months to (probably) get a different outcome after the midterms.
And McCain. He’s not dead yet.
No, I think you’re wrong. He’s not right. Kennedy is a selfish prick who didn’t care. There are certainly lots of them to go around. He showed his true colors in a flame of cretinous decisions this week.
He is truly a child.
I’m trying to think of who they might find that could spend 45 years on the SCOTUS bench. Let’s see…if the Justice retires at 85 (which seems like a lot to ask of a person) he/she would have to be 40 when the next session begins. I’m not sure even a rabid conservative judge would have had time to log enough evil at age 39 to be a sure pick. Of course, there’s nothing to say that they would actually choose a judge. It could be some pundit.
Oh another rally how precious, some people are addicted to alcohol, like his brother, he’s addicted to rally’s. Low self-esteem dream low self-esteem thin skinned probably from lack of a mothers love. There’s a blue tsunami coming . Say goodbye to your executive orders will have checks and balances for you Mr. will be on you 24 seven. Will make sure you were a one term president and when you leave contact Mitch and his bitch because they’ll be long gone by the time you’re out of office.
Democrats know how to govern and we are going to govern you but good. Laws are made in Congress not in the Supreme Court.
I don’t think trump is right that Kennedy retired because he had confidence in trump picking his replacement but I do question the timing. Unless he is sick, I see no reason he could not have waited. Perhaps he wanted a Republican to replace him and he timed it just right. Maybe he was pressured to leave before the midterms. It just seems weird. Or maybe he knew whoever trump picked would be so hard-line and that’s the direction he wants to see the court go. It was a shitty move but I guess par for the course.
If I never see nor hear from Kennedy again, I will be thrilled.
As far as the retirement of Kennedy is concerned, I think Duncan Black over at Eschaton said it best: “Thanks for doing the right thing 1/10 times.”
I could never understand this media-led opinion of Kennedy as a “moderate” jurist. He made a good decision on same-sex marriage and a few good ones on abortion, but his record has basically been pretty bad, especially when you consider the monumental legal atrocities that he gave his kiss of approval to that he could have prevented, like “Citizen’s United”, which never even should have been allowed to be argued before the court, but was something Roberts wanted to become law. Or the ridiculous attack on the Voting Rights Act, where Roberts made that inane remark about racism not existing in America anymore. But his recent votes have glaringly shown his true nature: the Muslim travel ban, labor unions, etc. I cannot see how an openly conservative jurist in his seat would have been any worse in these and many other decisions that Kennedy agreed with. He is a “moderate” and a “maverick” about as much as John McCain.
It’s rather funny, though, that the Supreme Court has always considered itself - and much of the population and many in the media always seemed to have agreed to this notion - “above it all”, that it couldn’t be treated the same way as Congress or the presidency, as though they were shielded from the anger and outrage of their decisions. But I think those days are finally over in the age of the Internet with instantaneous communication and dissemination of every word that every justice says and has ever said. When the RW members of the Supreme Court twist the law to suit their personal viewpoints and those of the GOP and their monied backers, they can now expect major pushback from a large amount of the American public. The days of thinking that you cannot be seen or treated as those “other” branches of government are gone. And since their minds are already made up on how they will vote on the issues coming before them, these men are no longer shielded by the false assumption that protesting against them will somehow affect the way they are going to vote in a negative way - they are going to vote THEIR way no matter what, precedent and Constitution be damned. They will use judicial logic so convoluted it will make Sarah Palin’s word salad seem like Shakespeare.
But I think what matters is the American people’s reaction to their decisions. If we are complacent, if we sit back and take it, then we are doomed. It’s like Josh said in one of his blogs: massive resistance at the ballot box is the way to stop this. Put the fear of God into elected representatives, and show them that the majority of people don’t believe in what the RW justices believe - and they don’t, as polls have consistently shown. But we must vote and we must protest and we must, most of all, not listen to this media call for “civility”. Fuck civility! Taking away women’s rights, gay rights, labor rights, economic rights, etc., is the height of incivility. Do not listen to the pundits - they will agree with their corporate masters about 99% of the time. And - I know I’m going to get slammed for this but I really couldn’t give a shit - stop listening to the “purity police”. Yeah, worrying about Hillary giving Wall Street speeches and having emails really fucking worked out well, didn’t it?
Anyway, that’s just what I think. I am no legal expert; it’s just what I believe.
This is how he gets sex these days. I’d bet money he has an erection.
I know I’m a cockeyed optimist (more like a worrier who can envision various scenarios, some cheerier than others) but I think there’s a greater-than-zero possibility they’re concerned about losing the Senate. If that happens, you have to nominate someone who’s a centrist if you don’t want the nominee Borked.
Donald J. Trump: A Virtual Fount of Piggishness
I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but with Trump taking credit for Kennedy’s retirement and given, I don’t know, that he and his crew are currently under investigation for conspiring with Russia to overthrow the federal government, well, it sure does seem like one hell of a coincidence. Some of his accomplices are already in jail. It’s not like Trump openly asked a foreign power to help him win the election on live television or has been openly at war with the federal judiciary.
Yes, I feel embarrassed even saying this stuff, but when you have a thief in the house who constantly talks about stealing and how great it is and then something goes missing is it paranoid to suspect him?