Discussion: Trump Bounces From Health Care To Puerto Rico Grievances In Meeting With Senate GOP

I wonder if Melania, the super model, gave him that advice.


“I was a little surprised he came out of the chute in health care,” said Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) told the AP. “He wants us to try again.”

This, ladies and gentlemen, is one remarkably stooooopid MoFo. Less than two years to the next election, and he’s going to fix health care, with Republican ideas coming from giant Tea Party intellects like Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert and Steve King. Too much tragic comedy. Everybody wants to laugh and cry while looking at the turds floating in their health care punch bowl.


Hey guys, this is what stupid people do!

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I don’t think he (GOP, it’ll be a he) was named in the post where I read it originally. It was either “un-named senator” or “one senator said…” and the senator might have said, “…now that it’s behind him…” “The Mueller report?” “Yeah, in so many words”, with the reporter. The brackets are part of the original. Let’s give “One Senator” the benefit of a doubt and perhaps he honestly couldn’t remember. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

I know some folks who voted for Trump. I know some of those folks greatly regret their votes.

The only people that I know who will still vote for Trump are those who I would categorize as intellectually ungifted and deeply propagandized by Faux Noose and/or Limbaugh, etcetera, and they are fearful for a host of reasons, including lack of income and mounting bills. They are ripe for demagoguery. It’s hard to talk to these folks because deprogramming with little time is somewhere between a LOT of work and impossible.

That being said, I don’t get around much, and the folks in my orbit are intellectually gifted. None of these folks like Trump. Period.


"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Politico that Trump told senators: “I’ve got [the Mueller probe] behind me now. It’s a fresh start. So let’s see what we can do: starting with healthcare.”


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…When I get to talking/I tend to ramble on/from subject to subject/near and yon…Ain’t good looking/But you know I ain’t shy/Not afraid to grab a girl/ By the by…

Lindsay Graham! He would choose his words carefully after going from a Trump hater to a mindless cheerleader. He also has enough source access clout to frame the quote especially with Politico. Or he referred to Trump’s exact wording in a long-winded way that made an editor reach for the blue pencil. It would be great to find out Trump’s exact wording. It always lays his thinking bare.

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$91 million on his fucking golf trips so far.

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I’m looking for the 6’3" President, and I don’t see him.


Did he mention that they didn’t thank him for the paper towels?


Haha you might think so. But no, not consciously, or unconsciously, so I guess that’s a no all around. I was mostly saying he’s stupid, actually. And when it comes to the possibility of self-sacrifice and altruism, Trump, well, he’d shock the conscience of a tapeworm, so no, not really addressing that either.

Now let’s ask @george_spiggott if he meant to rewrite the chorus to “Eleanor Rigby.”

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But that’s OK.

He and his father were confirmed bigot racist landlords. So, his view on Puerto Rico is probably rooted in his racism and his mid-80’s redefinition of himself into a high end real estate developer instead of basically the competitor of Sam LeFrak and whoever built Starett City.

After this, and even before this, I cannot understand how a single Puerto Rican person can support or sympathize with or vote for Trump should they live on the Mainland. There are plenty of right wingers on the Island that do, and the current Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner (our single non voting representative in Congress) would appear to be a Trump loyalist.


YES! In one of those ‘Ducking Stools’ used on suspected “witches”! Except in tRump’s case, dunk and just leave him in!

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Ray Davies was always right about everything.

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Those of us who at least try to be reasonable and to adjust our positions to take new facts into account tend to presume that everyone else operates the same way. Sadly, for a large block of people the exact opposite is the case. Indeed, that block seems to be about 40% of the voting population. Most of them are Republicans or Republican voting Independents. The idea that we can ever persuade a sizable number of these voters is a fantasy. It sounds good on the campaign trail to say that we will find a way to work with them, but it is just so much rhetoric. We either render them irrelevant as a political force, or we get nothing good done. We should, of course, consider the tangible impact of policies on these voters (and on those who cannot vote, for whatever reason), but we cannot give them veto power over decisions.


ha - my post from Sunday:

and then it [report] shows up on WikiLeaks, and Donne Moscow comes unglued but MSNBC starts a spin off channel that plays nothing but a loop of all the times he said he loved WikiLeaks in the 2016 election.

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Whether of not Mueller’s report vindicates Donald, his belief that it does will probably him into doing all kinds of stupid shit that will ultimately bring him down. Just hope it doesn’t fuck too many folks over before he’s take out though.

Can’t forget nepotism and demagoguery.

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