Discussion: Trump Blames Dems For 'Ridiculous' Spending Bill That Passed Sen With Bipartisan Support
You ain’t seen nothing yet, Spanky. Wait until the Dems control and House and (we hope we hope) have a majority in the Senate.
The money you seek, Mr. President, disappeared when your Tax Cut legislation passed.
Well it seems to me he also said he would not sign any more big spending bills
Don’t be a wuss Dump Veto…
I’ve started to reply to trumps tweets… I know it won’t do much good, but at least I fell a little better
Blame Mexico, Donnie. You promised us they’d pay for it.
Pigs gotta be piggy!
“If it were up to me,” he says. He’s the master of the universe and causes the sun to rise and set until something goes wrong. Then he’s a bystander with the rest of us, powerless to act in any way except to blame everyone else.
Trump’s KFC Cold–blames Dems!
Trump gains 50 lbs—blames Dems!
We’re the one stop blame shop!
If only his party also controlled Congress then he’d … oh. Yep. He’s a whiny, ineffectual, turd blossom all right.
And he’s making excuses for doing one of the few rational things in his own self-interest that he’s done since taking office. Because his own self-interest, the greater societal good, the planet, cute puppies, doing good for any entity in the universe isn’t what he’s about. He’s about beating, dominating, winning, humiliating. He did himself some good, here, by not shutting down the government. But to him, all he can see is that he didn’t beat anybody. It’s a loss, to him, so he makes his weak-ass excuses.
Speaking of that did you see him leaving the white house? He is obviously obese
but what up with the jacket in 80 degree weather
Man boobs? With accompanying man boob sweat stains on his shirt?
Did that check from Mexico get lost in the mail? Blame the Democrats. Maybe it’s the Democrats that control the USPS that lost the mail? Try that conspiracy theory.
Corporations are pouring hazardous chemicals into your air and water.
Tax cuts for the already wealthy mean poorer quality of life for the middle class.
The Russian President is blackmailing the American President.
Some day there will be an adult in the Oval Office and not this man/child. Articles will be written about the “amazing” contrast between Spanky and the new adult democrat.
Remember folks, it’s supposed to be infrastructure week.
Democrats take solace in the knowledge that, when Trump blames you for something, it is completely meaningless to everyone.
But, will he sign it ?
Republicans are fighting the last war. Spend my tax money on protecting our voting infrastructure, our electrical grid, our financial and banking networks not on a really dumb physical wall on our southern border. Oh by the way our neighbors to the north have just legalized pot. Will we be building another wall there too?