Or, to put it another way:
Old Hateful tweetgeyser belches toxic fumes into cyberspace, right on schedule.
His tweets sound sooooo much like a tween girl.
a mystifying link between the government shutdown he created over wall funding and the halt of commerce with one of the U.S.’s closest trade allies
It’s only mystifying if you insist on thinking about it.
Comments like these make me lean to this becoming a short shut down. He’s a complete idiot and his idiocy is affecting people’s pocketbooks. The laws of politics apply to him too.
Bring our car industry back into the United States where it belongs.
Chumps buy "American" cars. Why the hell you'd voluntarily purchase a Chevy Cruze when there are Hondas, Toyotas and Nissans available for similar pricing, one tenth the breakdown and maintenance issues, superior engineering and fit and finish quality, and superior trade value at end of ownership is bewildering.
Will Republicans in Congress get fed up with Trump pretty soon? Before he does so much damage to the country that we’ll never recover?
Our car industry? Is he planning to nationalize it and go fully Peronist?
Unhinged . Let’s start contemplating 25th amendment.
"Never wrestle with a pig; you get dirty and the pig enjoys it."
This neanderthal obviously doesn’t realize how much produce comes from south of the border particularly this time of year. Oh, well, shut it down and he’ll be eating a lot more Mcd’s heart attack burgers.
I really can’t stand the stupid.
Obviously he thinks the Democrats will be all upset if trade between the US and Mexico stops. Of course, Dems will be upset. You know who will be more upset. Corporate CEOs who depend on Mexican trade. This is a stupid threat by a stupid man.
Seems like near-magical thinking anyway, that he can just close the border to all crossings of any kind. Trade between Mexico and the U.S. just stops? It’d be a nightmare. I just don’t think it’s possible in the real world.
ETA ha! Three near-identical tweets at once. WE ARE MASTERS OF THE NEAR-OBVIOUS.
His supporters are so fucking stupid…
There is nothing more to say.
……Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are doing nothing for the United States but taking our money.
Wouldn't the same logic dictate you abandon your two year old in the forest?*
*Not that there's anything wrong with that.
If we applied the idea uniformly we might find the problem solved. Just saying.
Trump is clearly insane. It’s time to impeach him.
Most of the press hasn’t been paying attention, but Trump’s is hostile to legal immigration and regular trade. He just doesn’t think it sells as well as illegal immigration. This is how he roles.
Essentially he was elected BECAUSE he is insane. It wasn’t a secret when people entered the voting booth.