Shorter Trump: “The crime against Jamal Khashoggi was a terrible one, but if we can make a shit ton of money off of his killers, fuck him!"
Murder, no problem. You know the Saudis rent an entire floor of my fabulous Trump Hotel.
the Kingdom agreed to spend and invest $450 billion in the United States. This is a record amount of money. It will create hundreds of thousands of jobs
Hundreds of thousands.
Can a reporter please follow up on this point. Maybe ask where specifically those jobs will be, when they’ll be created and how much they’ll pay? I think it’s fair to assume the President would know these things and can explain them, himself.
To show true solidarity with Saudi, Donnie should hire nothing but Saudi pilots for his flights…
Obama started and used a Presidential “Kill List” in 2010 called the “Disposition Matrix.” Our current CIA Director personally supervised the torturing of people.
And now Trump.
We got no moral standing.
After my heavily negotiated trip to Saudi Arabia last year, the Kingdom agreed to spend and invest $450 billion in the United States. This is a record amount of money.
A lie. There is no such deal. On the other hand we know that he has extensive private interests at stake. This propaganda cannot be allowed to be repeated by TPM uncorrected or I’ll lose my mind, if I haven’t lost it already, which is very much an open question at this point.
Read the full statement from President Trump below:
Can we please dispense with the myth that any of these words were actually written by Shithead? He can’t string together enough words to make a coherent sentence, can’t remember the name of the town he’s fucking standing in, and knows nothing of history or world events unless there is money, specifically money for him, involved.
Yup, basically. Trump’s motivation is money, though in his case it’s more likely to be personal graft and gain than concern for US manufacturing.
For various others in the administration (Bolton), support of Saudi Arabia is all about Iran, since they’ll be needed as a launching pad for attacks. Supporting crazy hard-right governments in the cold war, simply because they were anti-communist, often didn’t work out too well for America. Unquestioning support for the Saudis because they’re anti-Iranian seems comparably short-sighted.
If the world is a dangerous place then why are you fronting this mythical “$450 Billion Arms Deal” How does new fighter jets under command of MBS make the world safer?
A very good, and missed, point. Trump has now quadrupled-down on his original $110 billion bullshit claim and no one in the media is calling him on it. Worse yet, they’re repeating it.
It’s all here. Demonizing one nation and looking the other way with another, making excuses due to private corruption, making up benefits to the nation out of thin air, claiming there is no way to know a thing Trump wishes not to know, when in fact there is a very solid assessment he wants to suppress, ascribing “political” motives to any doubt about this toxic stew, and a windup full of paternalistic patriotism. And of course every bit of it could have been foretold from the moment we heard about this grisly murder of a USA resident, a noted journalist, and a human being who just wanted to get some papers so he could get married. The whole thing crusted over with the exclamation points and vulgar phrasing of the semi-literate ape who sits in the Oval Office. What can you say? What, at this late date, can you say? Just talk about this with friends and neighbors as calmly and persuasively as you can. This has to stop.
Too many may repeat it, but it’s not “no one.”
And Trump, as usual, relies on his claim -- false, as far as anyone outside the White House can tell -- that Saudi has agreed to $450 billion worth of purchases from the U.S., including $110 billion in military purchases. There's been no substantiation of either of these numbers.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 20, 2018
Stephen Miller sure writes a nice letter, he captures the trumpp equivocation nicely
maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!
Ok Congress your move…
Trump 2020-He loves the people who murder Americans and undermine our democracy.
Maybe the House Foreign Relations Committee under new leadership will have some thoughts on this situation.
Wow. No way trump wrote the final release (it’s waaaay too coherent and not randomly capitalized), but you can tell that it was based on a draft he wrote, or he reviewed what someone else (Herr Miller) wrote and had them tweak it until it sounded like a trump campaign rally.
Things are “horrible”, other similar simple, shrill adjectives are repeated again and again, there are lots of exclamation points… and its chock full of bullshit.
Still, it’s nearly unimaginable that a president would sign his name to something like this (well, it was unimaginable before trump).
And that opening “America First!”. Ugh.
The stated amount of money itself is way overblown, but even if it wasn’t… hundreds of thousands of jobs? The claim is absurd on its face.
The national embarrassment continues. The literacy level of this person is about 3rd or 4th grade. The morality level is that of a two-bit low rent criminal. No class, no introspection, no analytics beyond the crude calculus of how much the Saudis spend purchasing Trump condos. How is this okay with any American?
“Faust: Who holds the devil, let him hold him well, He hardly will be caught a second time.”
― Johann wolfgang von Goethe, Faust: Part 1