He is getting pretty raw about his comments. This does not seem very presidential at all.
If there is one thing Trump can’t stand it’s SOMEONE ELSE being a “Grandstander”. THAT’S HIS JOB!
Anyone who gets more press coverage than Trump infuriates him.
Replacements. Hmmm. Somehow I don’t think the CEO of Bob’s Underwear Ranch will be as impressive as the CEO of Intel, Merck or Under Armour…
Yes. This is good. He’s feeling the pressure. As he should.
Oh, he’s going to have a great council of American businesses! It’ll be lots of motivational speakers, “Christian” bakers that won’t serve the gays, coal mine CEOs, and real estate grifters. There’ll be blackjack and Russian hookers - in fact, forget the council…and the blackjack.
The worlds biggest grandstander certainly ought to know grandstanding when he sees it. As CEO’s peel off the council, it will become untenable for those remaining to stay especially if an active twitter campaign calling them out begins.
As I was about to say, “Grandstander, thy name is Trump!”
One image
He will just appoint another couple hedge-fund managers and call it a day.
I have many to take their place.
I hear Martin Shkreli is available.
Don’t forget the Mooch.
YES - YES … and how long is it going to take for somebody to dramatically illustrate the colossally monumental disparity between the truly relatively small size of the Trump ‘empire’ and the Massive size of the enterprises that these individual are responsible for managing… So, Donny-clown …who is the pissant lower tier wannabe ‘captain of industry’ rube now?
the CEO of Bob’s Underwear Ranch
You’re thinking the wrong end of the spectrum. Trump’s brand value is only suited towards low-end products like tabloids and professional wrestling.
Not fair.
Captain Queeq was a war hero who broke under the pressure of combat and was abandoned by his own officers when he most needed them. He is a character to be pitied, not vilified.
Trump on the other hand…
Trumpka noted that after six months, the body hasn’t even convened. So these CEOs are quitting nothing much.
Fine with me Donnie…keep digging that hole and acting like a total asshat. Has anyone told ya what your poll numbers are Donnie? They aren’t good Donnie.
Frazier said that American leaders must “expressions of hatred, bigotry and group supremacy.”
What’s the missing word?
As with everyone in Rump’s worthless life, they are ONLY there to be used by him.
You start out as being “made” and end up as being a human shield.
Ah Trump’s on it. Beautiful day in the neighborhood.
Be fair, Krzanich quit because he understands what Vaporware is.