Why so many question marks?
Is he really seeking answers?
Does he even know what his point is?
Can someone please teach the dotard how to spell “counsel”?
When is he leaving office?
If it’s Saturday, it’s meet the tweet.
Except he didn’t, and Fox News keeps making you look dumb, cause your repeat their baseless defenses of you.
The sound of a drowning dotard coming up for air for (sadly) not quite the last time.
Tick tock, motherfucker.
“The President has been particularly sensitive about the investigation since the FBI raided the home and office of his longtime lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen.”
Just having one of those moments where the reality of out nation revolving around the so-called prez’s fee-fees is feeling particularly absurd.
WhY iS illeGal NYT and Lyin drUnK druGgie Maggie Haberman tryinG to get CoHen to fliP becaUse no collusion.?
Why do so many news outlets simply follow Trump’s obfuscations instead of pointing out that this is an investigation into Russian interference in the election? Sure, obstruction has been a key part of this, but Trump’s tweet implied that the obstruction surrounding Flynn triggered the appointment which it did not. The whole premise of the argument is misleading, not to mention the specifics of the argument itself, and yet CNN, for instance, ar first at least, failed to point out either.
Fruit of the poison tree won’t bail Trump out here, but nice try. Maybe he can open a Trump law school after he is ousted.
Uh, the special counsel was appointed because Trump fired Comey. The memos were not public yet. Jeebus, someone change the channel to reruns of Miami Vice.
No illegal act. No illegal act. You’re the illegal act.
If “NO COLLUSION” and “NO OBSTRUCTION”, then NO WORRIES. So just sit down and shut up and let Mueller set you free. But, if not…keep doing what you’re doing.
Not bad, but you mismisspelled “Maggie Habberman” - lift your game, lad!
You do know donnie also misspelled it …then deleted and fixed it ? ? …he he …
I think he ’ got ’ ya …
“Bullshit under the Tanning Lamp”
A Play
John Barron Kanfokov
Really, does everybody know what that means?
Yeah. It means several things, among them:
- Donnie Two-scoops is re-writing history again;
- Donnie Two-scoops has problems with temporal ordering;
- Donnie Two-scoops has serious problems with American English orthography, particularly when homophones are concerned;
- Donnie Two-scoops is scared s***less.
For the record, item 2 above is a sign of dementia…
What is the first derivative of 2x²+8x-4?
(Raises hand.)
“James Comey illegally leaked classified documents to the press in order to generate a Special Council?”
No: None of the unredacted material in the memos was classified at the time.
“Therefore, the Special Council was established based on an illegal act?”
Yes: An act of war by the Russian military, with help from the 2016 Trump campaign.
“Really, does everybody know what that means?”
Yes: You’re going to die in prison.