Nice…three weeks.
Now he can head out to play some golf. Hasn’t played a round this year.
So unfair.
Is anyone watching his announcement? Who in the world is he speaking to? Nobody supports him, especially all of the poor workers he has furloughed for 35 days.
We’ll be shut down again . . . in three weeks.
Totally DEFEATED !
He is blathering on and on about ‘walls, walls, walls…’ sounds like his surrender speech was written by Miller
“smart walls, not medieval walls”
Hey. I gotts smart wall fer ya…
This guy is a stable genius?
Thank you, Madame Speaker. He’s still rattling and spending his 16 lies a day. I’m sure he’s also trying to knock the Roger Stone matter off the headlines. What Trump shows is his complete lack of sensible judgment for both issues.
Love ya, Nancy!
And to think some folks didn’t want Nancy to be speaker. I don’t think anyone else would have been able to handle trump the way she has
Apparently Democrats who finally realized that we need a physical wall. Never mind. I have no idea who he’s speaking to. Maybe women with duct tape over their mouths? Coyotes? Roadrunners maybe? Possibly tough mean sadistic people? Putin?
This speech is an xtra large Kentucky Fried Bucket of warmed up sound bites, fear, loathing, out right lies and good old fashioned fear mongering.
I’m not afraid of these people tRump demonizes. I’m afraid of the a-social white boy with an assault rifle. When was the last time we had one of these kids kill people…Tuesday was it?
As someone once said - “So You Get Nothing, You Lose! Good Day Sir”
Does anyone remember the halcyon days of annual budgets?
OK, Heads you lose, tails I win. Howzzat sound donnie?
So a couple of days ago opening things up for 2 weeks was a no-go. Now 3 weeks is OK.
Look out below!
Walls. Or fences. Or whatever you want to call it.
Oh, Trump just agreed to temporarily reopen the government. I wonder what may have been the reason he did such an abrupt reversal today? I wonder…
This is not over - he is selling a wall as he speaks.What a disingenuous chiseling jerk.
There is a car alarm going off outside my office window as I type this. I’m listening to it rather than this speech.
Alex Trebeck: Mammoth, Blue Grotto, Donald Trump.
Me: What are famous caves, Alex?