Wow, Jesus lift the coins from my eyes! Who would have thought.
He does platitudes very well…
He needs more info because the guy was a wealthy older white male and a gun enthusiast. Therefore, he can’t speculate or call him a terrorist. Dumbshit.
Here is a link to an interesting podcast from the NY Times:
the sniper was a coward. And he left his mother and brother to face his dirty deeds.
There should be a declaration made by some means. That NO MOVIE DEALS will be made that will enrich ANY of his family or friends.
Immediate Civil Actions be taken against his estate.
There should be claims made on his estate, it should be attached and held for the victims of actions.
The SICK little creep.
I hope that his estate can be \
Hey folks. Pity about Mandalay Bay…but remember Trump Hotel is open and ready to rent rooms and meet all your gaming needs.
That’s Trump Hotel. Just up the road a little bit. And if you tell ‘em Donnie sent you, we’ll put a little less water in your drinks.
With all the weird stuff about this beyond just the mass shooting part, it makes me wonder if they have found out something that might help explain things, as much as something this sad and tragic can be.
Maybe they’ve discovered that he once voted for a Democrat. In a local election. In 1978.
…and have a full roll of paper towels waiting in your room for you.
Dear TPM,
What the hell was the point of reposting this total non-story from AP?
There is no gambling at Trump Las Vegas. Nevada won’t give the guy a casino license.
Before leaving Washington, Trump said authorities are “learning a lot more” about the gunman in the shooting.
“…on may sides; many sides.”
Did Don make an ass of himself again?
Sorry! Silly question!
Ah. Well, that makes the pitch that much more fitting as I see it.