Discussion: Trump Arrives At WH, Ignores Questions On Condemning White Supremacists

He will ‘denounce’ white supremacists and Nazis later today in highly uncertain terms, as Josh has suggested.

And anyone who, having heard this, says or writes, “Well, that’s alright, then.” is a chump.


At this point, I think it’s highly possible he just… won’t.

I dunno, I consider my Bayesian priors pretty damn weak at this point.


Who is paying for the renovations.

Better yet, who designed them?

My bet: “Yada, Yada, Nazis and white supremacists are bad, blah, blah. But left wing violence, a growing problem. Yada, Yada, false dichotomies, whataboutisms, blah, blah, more false equivalences, we must unite and come together as a nation and reject violence from “many sides””.


If it happens, it will sound similar to his announcement that President Obama was born in this country and will lack any semblance of sincerity. Firing Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, Stephen Miller would lend some credibility but not much at this point.


I’ll pay you ten internet dollars if anybody in the White House can get Donald Trump to use the word ‘dichotomy’.


He could condemn WWII Nazis, and then pivot to the hateful left. I’ll bet you 1/3 a membership that he mentions that Democrats were KKK-ers.
I think he’s beyond being forced to make gritted statements against his will—on any topic.


Donnie probably has President Bannon working on plans for coal fired ovens.

Takes care of two campaign promises at once.


Remember when one of the sons talked about heating the gas chambers? Dead giveaway—in case the Nazi hairstyling didn’t clue you in already.


He can’t fire the Unholy Trinity. Who’s going to guard him when he’s reduced to shuffling around the Oval Office with Kleenex boxes on his feet and saving his pee in jars?


Actually, I was implying that Trump would invoke false dichotomies .

We the people are paying and I’m sure these renovations have been in the plans for awhile, because lord knows the Klown Kar Kleptocracy couldn’t project plan moving a chair across the room.

Yeah Trump, you’re right. Many sides are to blame; your front side, your back side, your right side and your other side. All to blame. You.

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He’s not going to condemn his base. David Duke was right - they put him there.


It is too late for Trump to say anything. At this point any denouncement is Trump trying to cover his own ass. He has yet to denounce the terrorist attack on the Mosque in Minnesota. What happened in Charlottesville was terrorism. He will not be able to say it.


Those questions put Trump in a bad place. I mean what is he going to say to his white supremacist supporters like Bannon, Gorka, and Miller?


I’ve seen pictures of hotels Trump has renovated. That scares me.