Discussion: Trump Appears To Give Copies Of SOTU Speech To Pelosi, Pence

She has the text so she can make merry mirthful sounds at the many ways in which he misreads it.

Hopefully, Veep Dumber Than A Sack of Hammers can hear her enjoying the entire experience.


That was the best part of SOTU.
Pelosi repeatedly going through her papers to see when the hell this nightmare will be over.


Actually it was a preview of Muellers list of coming indictments…give Her credit for not breaking into uncontrollable fits of laughter. Now that’s Stage Presence

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Most likely it was token compliance with the requirement to provide advance copies of the SOTU address to the leaders of congress (wax Pence does nominally preside over the senate under certain conditions). Pelosi has a live mind and was able to run with it.

“The president and I are very close,” said the peg man.

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