Discussion: Trump: Anthem-Protesting QB Should Find Country 'That Works Better For Him' (AUDIO)

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Shut the fuck up, Donnie…


In other words, US citizenship should depend on not saying or doing anything he finds offensive.


Hannity was speculating on whether or not Kapernick converted to Islam. So…yay America.


The Trump campaign feels a lot like Facebook, where many of the participants can’t resist the opportunity to attack people every chance they get. What does it add to civil discourse for Trump to comment on this? (That’s a rhetorical question. I know he has no policies, proposals, or beliefs, and he’s got to talk about something).


I completely support dude and find any sort of mandatory patriotism to be pretty gross, but “We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn’t make sense to me because if that was any other person you’d be in prison.”

Is deleting emails illegal now? Or is he validating the years of GOP whispers? Any other person who has been investigated as many times as she has and came up clean ought to raise a red flag that maybe she has been persecuted unfairly. It sounds like, intentional or not, he is contributing to the sexist attacks against her by saying “all those white dudes who were mad at her and accusing her of things…they must be right, where there is smoke, there must be fire.”


As a zealous advocate for police brutality, there’s no way Trump could fail to comment on this issue.


“We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn’t make sense to me because if that was any other person you’d be in prison. So, what is this country really standing for?”

Jeebus on a Triscuit. Kaepernick gets his news from Fox Sports.


Exactly, you knew it was coming.

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OMG, I’ve deleted e-mails today. Are they coming to arrest me today?


I wish Trump would do the same, find a country that works better for him… A little banana republic with no nukes would be OK.


Based on his grasp of politics, I’m guessing Kaepernick has gotten his bell rung a couple thousand times.

Still, it’s his First Amendment right to be wrong.


Well Jay Glazer is up for a promotion

Or, Donny, Colin could do what others have done before him and fight to change This country and make it better. Pretty sure that precedent started 240 years ago last month.


Kaep should be happy that hes not playing in NYC.

However i just realized how much i really hate Steve Weatherford now.

David Tyree too

We got a lot of that attitude when protesting the Vietnam war.
History repeats itself.


Kaepernick criticized both Trump and his opponent, Hillary Clinton, during a session with the press on Saturday, according to a transcript from USA Today.

“You have Hillary who has called black teens or black kids super predators, you have Donald Trump who’s openly racist,” Kaepernick told reporters.

  1. HO is an asshat of gigantic proportion.
  2. Mr. Kaepernick is in the right country, thank you, HO.
  3. Mr. Kaepernick, while I will argue with anyone your right to an opinion and your right to sit out the singing of the National Anthem, I sincerely believe you have it all wrong with Hillary Clinton. How old were you back when she made that statement? Were you even alive? She was speaking to the times – and the vast majority of African-American lawmakers, mayors of big cities like Baltimore and D.C., were using the same kind of language, urging the feds to take immediate, swift and harsh action against, yes, “super predators.” I remember those times very well. I lived in the Washington, D.C.-Baltimore media market and every night on the evening news, there was constant violence, drugs, gangs, etc. I distinctly remember Mayor Marion Barry of D.C. using those types of descriptions. Sorry to break it to you, but HRC was not being racist. Please read up on those times.

Were they over gefelter fish?


In time, he might come to realize that both siderism isn’t the best place to position yourself.

As a Black man. In America. Playing sports.


Yeah, he’s probably in his 20s, right?