Discussion: Trump Announces Tariffs On Steel, Aluminum Imports For 'A Long Period'

Sadly, this action is many days (years) late and many dollars (billions) short. Do these pathetic fools think that this is going to re-birth the US steel industry. Steel is gone. Sad.


Interesting comment. Trump is stupid enough to make the association himself, perhaps with help from Miller. He apparently wants to return to the “greatness” of 50-60 years ago, when I imagine that steel production did involve a lot of coal burning; also, Trump would know that.



Heard Ky Risdall of Marketplace interview Munchin yesterday. The treasury secretary pronounced that the USA will unilaterally set trade policy and the rest of the world will eat the shit sandwich just because we are so powerful. They are really that ignorant and arrogant. He also attempted to defend the the $1.5 Trillion added to the deficit by the tax cuts for the billionaires by claiming it doesn’t really exist. When Risdall challenged his numbers on that Munchin accused him of being biased against the trump administration. That’s how it works when you don’t have facts on your side.


“Determined to protect vital American industries, President Donald Trump said Thursday that he will impose tariffs …”

You mean “Claiming to protect vital …”? How does AP know what Trump’s motivation for this step is? Is this what passes for unbiased news agency reporting now?


Don’t know, but coal is used in the production of steel, since it’s basically a mix of iron and carbon.

The issue of Chinese dumping through state-sponsored steel companies is a real issue, though. I read somewhere a year or two ago that Chinese’s steel production over-capacity is equal to Europe’s and the US’s total capacity.

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Can he even legally do this when we are signatories of the World Trade Organization? Can he unilaterally change the rules that govern international trade?


I guess Trump never took macro 101 when his dad bought him a ticket to UPenn. Widespread tariffs don’t work, they only lead to retaliation and trade wars that hurt everyone.

I just hope the rest of the world responds with carbon based tariffs on the US. At least then the economic destruction will result in something good.


Oh good, now on top of everything else we will be embroiled in a trade war.
Thanks trump.


Right?!?! Obama never told me that I had a Canon printer rather than the Epson I bought the ink cartridge for. Thanks Obama. Seen one Kenyan Commie ya’ve seen em all.


Cuba will have newer cars than the US shortly if this keeps up.


I’m so glad that the MSM is tearing the scab off this issue. Once again Mel’s immigration cheating would not even be an issue if she weren’t accidentally FLOTUS and her hubby was not castigating the exact way she and her parents became legal US residents. Show us your damned papers Mel.


“What’s been allowed to go on for decades is disgraceful. It’s disgraceful,” Trump said during a meeting in the Cabinet Room. “You will have protection for the first time in a long while and you’re going to regrow your industries,” he said.

Spoken like a true mob boss to the small business on the corner, in exchange for 'protection."


"Trump is imposing the tariff under a little-used national security provision of a 1962 law called the Trade Expansion Act. That provision, known as “Section 232,” allows him to unilaterally impose trade remedies, such as tariffs and quotas, if the Commerce Department finds that imports “threaten to impair” U.S. national security.


“Governments are always looking for excuses for their protectionism. If this broad exception is available, it could lead to a cascade of new protectionist measures,” Lester said."


Yeah, it’s not like we make things out of steel or aluminum here in Michigan… I’m sure it won’t cost us any jobs when trump is making U.S.A.-made cars less competitive…


Why place tariffs on raw materials? I think tariffs on finished goods make a lot of sense, especially when coming from countries with little to no labor protections.

However, tariffs on raw materials only makes American industry less competitive.


Who knew beforehand this would be announced? I mean, besides GS? People made a lot of money on this trade…

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I expect it work as well as this.

US solar company to lay off hundreds of workers after Trump tariffs


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Presidents have some discretion to impose tariffs. I don’t know, however, the upper limits of presidential authority in such circumstances.

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A world without Malaysian children chained to sewing machines is something I can’t contemplate.