Discussion: Trump Announces He'll Nominate Climate Denier Scott Pruitt To Lead EPA

A fucking disgrace.


Quayside says what I think we’re all thinking and feeling. Probably should just close the comments section to this post. “fucking disgrace” it is.


Another day. Another ridiculous Trump selection to head an important agency. It’s like waking up on Christmas morning every day - in hell.


“restore the EPA’s essential mission of keeping our air and our water clean and safe”

The best and the brightest along with the genuinely deluded and dangerous.

Well, all I can say is thank goodness Al Gore had a good meeting and Ivanka is going to advocate for climate change action. So far it’s made a YUUUUUUUGE difference!

I’m wondering if we open up the National Archives, and let Trump take a shit on the Constitution, whether that might finally satisfy him, and he’ll go away.

Why not just skip the middle man and nominate Devon Energy.

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How do you assure the Gov’t doesn’t function? Put people in charge that make sure it doesn’t function such that any employees with any real value leave.

The headline for this story is illiterate/scientifically illiterate.

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The interesting pattern is that, of cabinet positions, the very worst of the worst; deplorables all; are being names to head the agencies he hates the most…

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With polluted water and air and flooding of the low income areas of our cities, our civil liberties will dissolve more readily. All part of the plan.

The EPA enforces the laws passed by Congress.

Instead of suing the EPA, Pruitt and others should instead work with congress to pass or reform the laws they allege are examples of “over regulation” or “bad regulation”.

Without the EPA…and none of us would have safe drinking water.

Without the EPA…and we’d still be singing about the PURPLE HAZE over L.A.

Tanks of medical grade oxygen are going to be valuable folks.

This was a BIG F you to Al Gore.

I’m waiting for someone from the tobacco industry to be appointed Surgeon General.

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[quote=“charliee, post:16, topic:48180, full:true”]
I’m waiting for someone from the tobacco industry to be appointed Surgeon General.
[/quote]Time to get those pesky, misleading warnings off the cigarette packs, and to again allow Big Tobacco to sponsor TV shows and sporting events.

So should Penn Gillette (a known, vocal athiest) be the next Pope now?

talk about the fox guarding the chicken coop!

Want to give you some background on Scottie “Screw-It” Pruitt. He spent the past year in a circle jerk with Big Agra trying to pass a piece of shit called SQ 777. It was the same syndicated state question that’s been passed around like HPV to all the ag states: virtual impunity to use whatever chemicals they want and treat animals as they please. It would have given the ag businesses more rights than anyone else in Oklahoma: if a neighbor of some corporate hog farm got sick from groundwater contamination, their only recourse was to sue – the state could do nothing. Fortunately, Oklahoma saw through this fuckfest and voted it down. Unfortunately, Little Scottie is just the kind of buddy-fucking, frat boy shit-weasel who fails upward.

He might not be Ivanka, but he’s just Trump’s type.