Discussion: Trump: Angela Merkel Is 'Insane' For Accepting So Many Refugees

Discussion for article #241643

Safe bet: If Trumpā€™s aginā€™ it, itā€™s a good thing to be, do, or say.


Trump brand foreign policy in action, even the simple stuff he screws up.

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The Incredible Mr. Trumpley should start a new party.

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The more Dump speaks, the more apparent it becomes that heā€™s a total fucking moron.


merkelā€™s actions are going to lead to some serious consequences; and the german people are headed for some deep soul-searching. their nationalists are growing in strength and confrontational tacticsā€¦ and with the efforts to resettle tens/hundreds of thousands of refugees impacting the local communities (people are being evicted from their apartments to make available to them) the tension between all these factions is only going to grow worse. so itā€™s a legitimate issue to debate.

but this idiotā€™s exploitation of whatā€™s going on is disgraceful; and his continual targeting of ā€˜the otherā€™ is feeding that fear and hate and is going to result in someone being killed.


Maybe he should crack open that Bible heā€™s carrying around to see what it says about how we should treat one another. But, then again, his whole business model seems to revolve around his brand name and the use of contractual ā€œfine printā€. I donā€™t think thatā€™s very ā€œChristianā€ either.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, "insane" Sunday for accepting thousands of Syrian refugees.

Being called insane by Donald Trump is like being called a racist by Lester Maddox.


This is on record. An aspirant to the United States Presidency calling the leader of an allied country ā€œinsaneā€ā€¦rather than saying the same thing in diplomatic terms. For example, saying something has ā€œgraveā€ implications is actually signifying a more negative opinionā€¦but, since Donald ā€œCelebrity Apprenticeā€ Trump is not ready for the Presidency (or any other elected office), he decides to, once again, blur the line between real life

And TV.


Trump should stick with buying off politicians rather than being one.


Donald, there are already riots in Germanyā€¦ street violence by far right and neo-Nazi xenophobes protesting Merkelā€™s decision to accept refugees, including arson and fireā€“bombing attacks on refugee centres.

Unfortunately, thatā€™s who Trump allies himself with by making these kinds of statements.


Apparently Trump thinks the problem doesnā€™t exist if he ignores itā€¦better to resettle as many as possible now before the situation gets even worse. Borders are lines on a map and have ALWAYS been ignored when a crisis develops.

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ā€¦A refugee crisis caused by Bush-Cheney military adventurism in
Iraq, too no less. We broke it so we should help re-stabilize the Middle East and fix this mess by welcoming the refugees the neo-con policy created.



It would greatly strengthen the case for The Donaldā€™s campaign if we could think of times when a would-be leaderā€™s ill-informed barstool-style blustering led the way forward to a better world. Unfortunately for him I canā€™t actually think of any. If anyone else can it would be interesting to hear about.


No, Merkel isnā€™t insane. Sheā€™s just thinking far beyond the next election (something Iā€™m sure no one would ever accuse The Donald of).

Everyone knows that German population is getting older and if current trends continue, 30 years or so down the road there will be no one to pay the pensions of the people now in their 40s and 50s. The birth rate of Germans is not going to go up dramatically, so some other solution is needed. Unemployment is currently very low and extra cheap workforce would be quite welcome in the German economy. And it just so happens that lots of people suddenly want to move to Germany.

Itā€™s certainly not going to go smoothly, but Germany was able to absorb a few million Turks, it can probably do the same with a few million Syrians. Iā€™m sure it looks insane to a raging xenophobe and racist.


The long term reality for Germany however, points to this being a good move. They are facing the same demographic problem we are, namely, that they have a lot of elderly people who are not working that have to be provided for. Injecting new workers into their economy will be a huge boon for them down the road. Just like it would be for us. Studies have repeatedly shown that immigration is a net positive to countries that receive them.


Trump has always been a dick, but Iā€™m gonna guess he canā€™t get a woody anymore and heā€™s compensating by being an even bigger dick.

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Other signs of German insanity include:


Remember the good old days, when America provided leadership to resolve the problems of war refugees.


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