Well, if we have to endure Trump as POS POTUS for another little while, at least there’s the silver lining of the utterly deserved humiliation of Mitch McConnell.
Umbriago. They’re disgustin!
How nice to get together and enjoy implementation of the final solution for non-whites.
CNBC Chyron:
“Trump meets with Congressional Leadership”
To paraphrase Dorothy Parker:
“But where does he find it?”
Troll HC flagged.
It’s such a common thing it’s a shame it’s not practical to take turns on it, like college housemates taking out the garbage.
“an apparent attempt to clear the air after a contentious August recess between the two, mostly fueled by
the Senate’s failure to repeal Obamacaretrump’s asshole-shaped personality disorder.”
I’m sure dumping DACA onto Congress did wonders to clear the air. Just one more issue for a McConnell fail.
Two mental midgets coming together to make America as stupid as they are.
Marriage counseling?
Putin will be so jealous…
I’m not at all convinced that T-rumpus is in good enough mental shape for this to have been a coherent conversation.
Meh, Trump has been that way since before he got elected.