Discussion: Trump And Clinton Tied In Ohio Poll Taken In Early Days Of GOP Convention

What the hell is wrong with Americans?
How the hell can this race be so damn close?

How Sway?

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It’s because the candidate we nominated sucks.

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More people should have run!

A large percentage of the voting public are uneducated, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, bigots. They are easily swayed by fear, easily manipulated to hate, and fully willing to believe the lies the the GOP speaks constantly. And they vote.


Which people?

I agree.

Anyone. Everyone. Biden, Kaine, Perez, Warren, Gore (Ha.), Booker, Emanuel, Brown, McAuliffe, Webb.

Anyone who isn’t almost as disliked as Trump.

Trump isn’t getting more than 40% in most polls.

Doubt his number will ever be higher than that.


All it will take is a well-timed terrorist attack (here or abroad), and we’ll be ushering in a President Trump. Kind of disconcerting to know that Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Vladimir Putin are all very, very interested in President Trump as well.

First off, this country is almost 50-50. That’s a fact. A small middle will decide the race. Shouldn’t be that way but it is.

Secondly, The race can seem statically close when you have shit pollsters who average in good and bad polling. NO ONE should believe the Q poll or Rasmussen, or Gravis poll—ALL 3 lean REALLY right always. In fact, the Rasmussen poll gave us a Pres. McCain and Pres. Romney right up to election DAY. Not that Dems should be complacent–we have to run like we’re behind by 10 points. We have to GOTV. Personally, I’ve almost always followed the Electoral College (Hillary’s in good shape thus far with the Electoral College) more than polling and especially this early on when people are vacationing or not paying attention.

Lastly, we’ve yet to have debates and hell, the Dem convention hasn’t started and I don’t think the Dem convention will be the nasty shit storm the Rethug convention has been. Hillary is not perfect, but she’s a hell of sight better and more intelligent than that loon tRump plus he’s a sociopath and (Said his Ghostwriter as well) liar, but so are some who are allowed to vote, but this early on is not the time to panic or think negatively. GOTV is what we have to do on our side. Bottom line.


Is Johnson even on the ballot?

Polls this week and next are irrelevant. Trumps numbers should rise during the Republican convention. If they don’t he is toast.


In a close race the advantage will be with the candidate who has the better ground organization. That candidate isn’t Donald Trump.


Yes. It is all about getting out the vote.
Dems aren’t going to convince anyone who admires Trump. The goal is to get people registered and get them voting. I volunteer for the Hillary campaign, including downballot dems
Help us out


Historically, candidates always do best at the time of their convention. If you want to spin this poll, explain why he’s not leading when he’s at maximum strength?


HRCs campaign waited to be sure DT was the nominee before starting the ads.Here comes Hell.


I think that thinking is bonkers. We’ve just had several terror attacks abroad, and one or two here, and yet Trump is hardly running away with the thing, even in polls this early and this silly.

Isn’t Suffolk the polling outfit that announced in Oct 2012 that they’d stopped polling Virginia, Florida and North Carolina because Romney had them all wrapped up?

Why, yes, they were – http://hotair.com/archives/2012/10/09/suffolk-pollster-were-not-polling-florida-virginia-or-north-carolina-anymore-because-romneys-going-to-win-them/

Q - What kind of polling outfit makes a point of announcing such a thing a month before an election?
A - One more interested in making a political statement than predicting results.

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Come on man, Trump’s not that bad!