This is one person whose dignity was lost well before Trump came on to the scene.
If she started up before the host even asked a question, I would have immediately cut her off. But it’s CNN…so who knows if there are standards.
Lawyers: If these statements are followed by a refusal of Trump to acknowledge the results of the election, at which point might McCaughey and Conway be guilty of a crime? This talk seems perilously close to sedition to me, but IANAL.
These Trump apologists never shut up. The better the argument is against them, the louder they get.
“Betsy please, I can’t. I can’t. That’s not true,” Costello said. “I’m going to have to cut this interview short.”
“You don’t want people to hear the evidence? Facts,” she added.
I didn’t see the end of the clip because it cut off, but I hope Costello ended by coughing “BULLSHIT!”
There is voter fraud - in the sense that tens of millions of voters are defrauded out of their easy access to voting.
The stupid really burns here.
What I don’t understand is why they 1) have these folks on and 2) the anchors don’t just tell them that their mic will be cut off if they keep lying.
I love the smell of GOP fear in the morning. Or is that napalm?
At least they are finally challenging them. For over a year it has been, “We’ll have to leave it there,” after a bald-faced lie.
While a fair point, may I suggest “The Exorcist” rather than “The Economist”? I suspect that demon removal is the only cure many Trump supporters would understand.
Hijack? CNN wanted it when inviting a bunch of whackos to the show knowing full well this was what they would get.
I watched this as it happened, it was cringeworthy in it’s willful idiocy.
All the while she sat there with that shit-eating grin…
You know, I know it’s wrong but there are people in this world that just reflexively, you want to slap until your arm gets tired… and they know why!
Frankly, it’s irresponsible for CNN or any other network to keep booking Betsy McCaughey as a pundit.
Edited to Add: Looks like Josh agrees:
It’s not too much to say that no one in recent decades has introduced more lies into the public policy and political discussion under the cover of professional credentials than Betsy McCaughey. It’s amazing that she’s still allowed to appear on TV after having been exposed so many times as a serial bullshit artist.
More or less… “we have shown people the facts.”
Why is that fraud on TV in the first place?
Bets is kinda upset after all three debates are done, the verdict is THIS:
It’s GOP fear, but it’s easy to confuse the two. One leaves its victims horribly traumatized and disfigured, while the other leaves its victims horribly traumati… umm …
Well, like I said, it’s hard to tell the two apart.
Actually, this is a two-step process. First, yes, yank their mics, and two, a request to TPM to stop recycling this faux outrage which they might think passes as thoughtful discussions
Betsy McCaughey…
The originator of " Death Panels "