She obviously does not posess a p*ssy…
BTW: This pops up when you bring up Google for a search.
Is there a stupid competition among these trumpazoids?
There is a difference between a piece of art that uses some bad words and a recorded private moment where someone admits to enjoying sexual assault.
THese CLEARLy poll-teSTED lines OF ATTACk, NOW that TRUmp is NOW runninG A More profeSSIONAL Campaign, HAVE clearLY GOtten UNder HITLARY’s SKIN (WHY INLIST GORE as SURROGATE IF NOT?) and SHAKING in HER panTSUIT.
And the truly offensive part of the tape is not him using the word “Pussy”. It’s Trump’s feeling entitled to grab crotch and kiss repulsed women because he’s a “star”. A star about to go supernova, me thinks.
Thank you Betsy! We have been wondering what it we could do to persuade Beyonce to take a more active role in the GOTV effort for Hillary. I believe you just made it happen.
And again…
The language is only part of the problem…
In the Beyoncé line is expressed consent, Trump adovacated sexual assualt.
Oh happy crap…they are blaming Beyoncé and 50 Shades of Grey for Trump being a sexist predator? And Clinton (and therefore every woman who supports her) of being a hypocrite??? I guess they MISSED the part where Trump said he DID it, COULD do it and WOULD do it. There is a special place in hell for women that throw other women under the bus for a low life jerk like Trump. You don’t have to VOTE for Hillary Betsy but you don’t have to be a total POS.
And adultery, which we all know now that republicans feel is a High Crime and Misdemeanor and an impeachable offense.
she did not just use the Queen B’s name in vain? Sacrilegious!
This woman just ensured a record turn out for African American voters!!
People like this confuse a raw word with context. Pretty sure that Miss B was not talking about grabbing somebody else’s pussy in an aggressive, self-entitled way because she is famous. Desperate Deplorables will say desperate deplorable things.
Check this woman’s history, and you’ll see she has been a liar and a fantasist for years. She’s desperately searching for relevance and a moment on TV, but her 15 minutes were up a long time ago. Please go away, Betsy, we know you’re a goddamn propagandist.
It. Isn’t. The. Words. Trevor Noah did a good bit last night comparing an articulate rapist vs a crude man who respected a woman’s lack of consent.
And why the heck is ‘pussy’ bleeped anyway, other than fear of women’s sexuality?
Yeah, going after Beyonce is definitely a winning move. The suburban women that Trump desperately needs to win back really hate her. I strongly encourage this direction from the Trump camp. Please proceed Betsy.
They really don’t have anything else to talk about, do they?
The story behind the pantsuit is actually kind of interesting.
Did you know until 1993,women were required to either wear dresses or skirts in Congress? Barbara Mikulusi protested that dress code by wearing a pant suit on the Senate floor. Soon many others followed, and then many female staffers joined in as well.
That’s a big reason that Hillary always wears pants suits to political events now
It just BURNS ! —