I really wished I hadn’t watched it.
As commented on by others, if anyone dares to mention anything about HRC’s tone or volume level needs to shut the hell up.
This speech was like listening to Rush Limbaugh.
He actually managed to make Rudy’s ratings sound quaint…
This is the low point for us Democrats. Our opponents have finished their inning and now it is our turn. We will score runs.
And to make us feel a little better while their pitcher warms up, I offer the link below, a Bloomberg editorial excoriating Mr. Trump’s acceptance speech. A very good read. It will bring a smile to your face. Guaranteed.
Excellent point!! I repeated this fact to myself while watching Donnie Dipstick’s shout-fest.
Manafort and Trump are indeed optimistic, that they can fool enough voters into putting this mini-Mussolini in the White House. I hope and pray (well, hope anyway) that they are wrong. It’s beyond scary at this point.
Thanks - I really needed to read that (and, coming from Bloomberg, the assessment is doubly meaningful)
HRC will announce her VP pick tomorrow, and it won’t be treated like just another Friday night news dump. Speculation is Tim Kaine of VA. So, starting tomorrow the focus will be back on the serious candidate and the hopefulness and thoughtfulness we know she embodies.
Trump Aides Spin Fear-Mongering RNC Speech As “Profoundly Optimistic”.
Reagan: “It’s morning in America.”
Trump: “We are totally f*cked!”
Thank you for the link. Josh’s Editor’s blog write-up is also good – pretty close to what I saw in the speech.
The more I see Paul, er, Mr. Manafort, the more I miss Baghdad Bob.
From Bloomberg
But the speech was more reflective of a line uttered by Nixon’s Vice-President, Spiro Agnew, who said: “We have more than our share of nattering nabobs of negativism.” That’s still true. And now there is one at the top of the Republican ticket.
Speculation is Tim Kaine of VA
Ugh. If she goes that route it’ll be a colossal disappointment to me. The guy adds nothing to the ticket whatsoever, broadens her appeal not one iota. He’s the quintessential inside-the-Beltway DNC hack.
As much as I wanted to watch–I am that much of a political junkie–my body was telling me to pull back. I watched most of the previous nights and a lot of what came before Trump’s speech last night – but I literally started getting a really sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Having witnessed all that is Trump and Trump’s people over the last year, I am nauseated now when I see him, them and his entitled bratty adult children. In all my years on this earth, I have never witnessed so much out-and-out lying. This last decade of watching the Republicans, I’ve been reminded again and again of my high school years studying Nazi Germany. The Trump campaign is (so far) the culmination of what they’ve been building up to – and it is frightening there are so many in this great nation who go along with them. For my own mental health, I couldn’t finish watching last night.
You would have seen it on fully on display last night. I watched it, and it was literally a lie in almost every sentence.
LOL (but only in a sad way). I usually eat this stuff up but I think I’m tired of watching the other party shovel misconceptions, half-truths, innuendo and outright lies at every turn. I’m tired of tuning in, expecting I might glean some sort of hope that they are sincere in wanting to make life better for all of us. I’m of the impression that the masses of today’s “conservative” are so enthralled with self-loathing and the desire and need to be the victim, they are willing to be contrarian at every turn. They have no interest in bettering our lot in life. There is a heavy dose of racism, xenophobia and distaste for “the other,” but there is an overwhelming stench of self-hatred. So much so that since they don’t care for themselves, they sure as hell don’t care for anyone they already deem as less than. They are a very ill bunch. And, unfortunately, there are now a few generations of them who wouldn’t be able to recognize honest and sincere leadership if someone hit them across the face with it like a barnyard shovel. Yet, that’s exactly what they cry out for: honest, sincere and good leadership. They are so blinded and ignorant, they haven’t recognized that’s exactly what we’ve had in President Barack Obama.
It was masterful indoctrination.
From promising facts — followed by a few sentences chocked full of contextless numbers — it smoothly segued into bombastic, generalized, negative platitudes, most of which are provably wrong, factually.
I didn’t watch it, and I feel great. As I suspected, the best way to listen to Trump is not to, but to read the fact-checkers later.
Oh yeah…you just had to lie and pretend that we were SO FAR DOWN that only Trump and Co. could lift us UP. Oh please.
I don’t think it will be Kaine…I think Hillary is going with Corey Booker.