Discussion: Trump Again Suggests He Doesn't Have Plan Past Deporting 'Bad Players'

Oh, FFS, will you please make up your friggin’ little mind and get off the damned fence (er, wall)???!

Geez, every time he talks to somebody else, he modifies his stance.


I name Hillary’s Opponent as a ‘bad player’.

Deport, please.


my plan is to win the lottery and buy 10000 acres and build a fort that’s well supplied with a still and lots of game… then I’ll post signs that say ‘Trespassers Shot On Sight’…

my plan is just as probable as Cheeto Donnie’s and much more fleshed out…


For once I believe him. He has no plan.

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Bad Player Numero Uno


There was a story today which reported that Trump decided to say that Mexico after he left, when he saw a tweet or statement by Pena.
I’d like to know more.

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Let’s face it, Donald “the draft dodging coward, veteran’s group stiffer, perverted daughter groper, and pathological lying, asshole loser” Trump doesn’t have a plan for the next five minutes, let alone the future.


“The bad players being?” Bolling asked.

“All of them,” Trump replied.

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“After that takes place, which will be a process, and it won’t go that quickly, but it’s gonna go as quickly as any human being can do it. After that takes place, we’re gonna sit back, we’re gonna assess the situation, we’re going to see where we are.”

Trump did however imply most of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants would remain untouched while his putative administration focused on deporting 2 million with alleged criminal records. “***We will begin moving them out, day one. My first hour in office, those people are gone.***”


Day one, first hour, they’re gone…or…it’s a process, it won’t go that quickly…

The man is a fricking clown show.


2 million deportations is 57 people every hour of every day for 4 years, around the clock, 7 days a week, including holidays, non-stop. Current laws mandates even those with criminal convictions get granted at least a cursory review and a minimum of due process. Those accused of crimes but not yet convicted have more rights and can legally extend the process to a greater degree. Trump would have to maintain that pace ceaselessly for 4 years before his 14 month long promise of deporting the remainder commenced, per his current stated intentions. Every roadblock, delay, legal impediment, lawsuit, court filing and temporary or permanent stay he suffers along the way jacks up the rate of deportation he’d have to maintain higher than the 57 needed hourly to reach his goal.

Why the hell the press and his followers can’t see this in stark terms for the charade it is puzzles me.

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But he hasn’t. There is no modification in anything he said here. He is going to start deporting “bad players” (whatever the hell that means) right away and after they deport hundreds of thousands of people the will figure out what they want ot do with the rest.

Their intent is of course, that those people will have self deported by then, but if not…well, they go after them as well. Trump has been quite clear that everyone here illegally must be kicked out of the country.

The problem is, that when he focuses on “the process” and starts talking about who goes first…so many people (including apparently nearly all the media) is so desperate to believe that he wouldn’t really kick everyone out, that they latch on to it and say “oh, look, he is only talking about kicking out criminals…so its all good”.

He isn’t. There is nothing in this statement that should give anyone any hint that he won’t kick out 11 million+ people if given the chance.

This is sort of like someone saying “I will kill everybody! I will start shooting at that guy, and then that guy, etc”, naming his entire first clip. “And then I will pause to reload”. Pausing to reload doesn’t mean he plans on stopping his shooting.

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I know of some bad players…alas, I think they are US Citizens…

This year’s Republican Party primary and the ascendancy of Donald Trump as its illustrious leader has been very educational. For nearly the past 100 years we’ve watched films of Hitler speaking, but nobody in this country till now actually knew what the Fuhrer was saying. Now we do.

Trump is nothing but a rabble rouser. He loves the adoration of his fans at rallies, the fawning of the free press and speaking about how wonderful he is to the world at large…and threatening those who might get in his way.

What is sickening is how the Republican Party gave him the scapegoats he needed and refuses to admit their culpability in this demagogue’s quest to make this country Aryan Nation pure. Neither Trump or the GOP have any policies now besides purging undesirables.

That’s why the GOP presidential candidate will never provide details of his plans or give a major address. His only reason for being is to hold power and stay in power. That is the platform of the Republican Party as well.

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Call them what they are. Republican enablers of a fascist leader.

Has anyone so erratic ever run for President? Amazingly scary. I can’t imagine working for him in any capacity.

Given what we know of his past business practices, I would be willing to bet the his intentions are less get everyone here illegally out of the country and more increase the dangers of being caught in the country illegally in order to give employers even more leverage over any undocumented employees… and then kicking them out of the country after the project is done, but before they get paid.

Its a very dangerous game to try and fathom what “Trump means” beyond just taking what he says at face value. You are making the assumption that there is some semblance of a strategy hiding beneath that flop of orange. The empirical evidence to date tends to indicate, there is not. Its merely reaction to stimuli.

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