Discussion: Trump Again Muddies His Stance On Deporting Undocumented Immigrants

Donnie needs to once again keep working on the muddied stance of the hardening of the softening of the detail dodging of the walk-back of the flip-flop of the sarcasm of the stumble of the tongue of the obfuscation of the abbreviated language of what the loser liberal media poorly covered during the earpiece malfunction of the decision that will be made about his original, widely documented comments.


The really depressing part about this story is its total ruse…but damn if Trump doesn’t know his marks in the media. A week after getting played by this very same nonsense, they are eagerly in line to lap it all up again.


It says something about this nation that a thrice divorced, ADHD addled, multiple bankrupted shyster that doesn’t read, has never previously held an elective office in his life and his no discernible, informed, decided positions on the most critical issues facing the country is a candidate for the Presidency put forward by one of the two major parties. When Trump says other nations are laughing at us it’s one of the few cogent observations he makes about much of anything.


You win! I bow to your exquisite formulation…

Trump clearly maps out, for the ??? time, his ‘unchanging’ stand on deportation:


And the damned MSM rush to cover it and get played once again by the fucking snake oil salesman.


Except what he doesn’t understand is that they are laughing at us because of him…


You guys are looking at it the wrong way.
FINALLY, Trump is looking like a typical politician who waffles and weaves and tries to avoid giving definite answers to questions.
You know, I may re-consider my support of Clinton!


Too bad his interlocutors don’t conclude by stating “given the absence of specifics, it’s clear there is no plan.”


The simple question is whether he is allowed to filibuster
this straightforward question for another two months
(since to actually answer it either way will lose him significant support)

So far, the press seems willing to go along with the stall indefinitely.


When one speaks almost totally in bluster, the details become impossible to explain.


“Donald, what are your plans for undocumented parents of children born here in the United States - US citizens?”

Trump doesn’t have a stance, he just rolls around in the mud.


In August 2015, Herr Trumpenfuhrer’ proposed ending birthright citizenship in the United States. Parents of foreign birth and their children born here, one and all, had to go:


But, his ‘plan’ today??? Anybody’s guess.

So it’s kicking the can down the road 2016 style?

He has stated specifics: throw them out.

Exactly. :slight_smile:

Please. Stop trying. Trump will always “muddy” his positions, because he HAS NO positions. Just applause lines.

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