Discussion: Trump Advisers Waged Covert Influence Campaign

[Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, never disclosed their work as foreign agents as required under federal law.]

Lock them up! … Lock them up!



I guess despicable people just naturally gravitate towards each other. It’s the Second Law of Asshole Dynamics.


But, but, crooked Hitlary!!!


Manafort and Gates obviously had Trump’s ear, as he has spent the better part of his campaign propping up Putin and Russia, and making apologies for their brutal seizure of the Crimea and eastern Ukraine. Also, the campaign made no small effort changing the GOP platform to soften opposition to Russian expansionism and ruthless Putin conduct. Made Trump look like Putin’s dupe or dope. You pick.


Alleged ear…there’s no proof any such extremity exists under that Creamsicle® fluff.


trump: played by putin.


Trump = Putin’s slidewhistle


Manafort may have some, under oath, explaining to do.



Considering that the opposition had a major fascist element, being explicit political descendants and remainders of WWII Ukrainian fascists, while the overall leadership was a tool of U.S. and Western European imperialism, with the goal of bringing them into the European Union, which would have destroyed Ukrainian industry and rendered many jobless, at least someone was defending the government.

What did Trump know, and when did he know it?

Indeed, Trump himself has been acting as an advocate and agent for Russia, suggesting in July that he would recognize Crimea as Russian. He has also made common cause with Russia, encouraging what are most likely Russian agents to hack in and find Hillary’s missing emails. Finally, he has threatened to weaken NATO. This is Manafort’s influence on Trump. It makes Trump complicit, and totally compromises any claim to the presidency. Even if he weren’t already, Trump is now officially TOAST.

I do believe in guilt by association, I do, I do!
I do believe in guilt by association, I do, I do!!
I do believe in guilt by association, I do, I do!!!
(credit to Peter Pan, the movie)


I can’t wait to wake up some morning reall soon to the news of the FBIhas arrsted all of donald’s advisers for treason…

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Yeah. A standup guy, that Paul Manafort is.


I thought this was well known a while back. In any case, such paid-for manipulation is happening all the time with either Congress or the public played as suckers. I still think the prize goes to Hill & Knowlton for the Nayirah fabrication.

In her emotional testimony, Nayirah stated that after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital, take the incubators, and leave the babies to die.

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The best part of this is watching the Wash Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-trump-adviser-manafort-revived-his-career--and-business-fortunes--in-ukraine/2016/08/18/8bcfb144-648f-11e6-be4e-23fc4d4d12b4_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_manafort-750pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory and Politico: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/paul-manafort-ukraine-kiev-russia-konstantin-kilimnik-227181
try to shame James “I punk for Putin’s Punk” Comey into actually addressing the fact that his candidate, Donald Trump is controlled by Russia.

I’m sure the discussions between Comey and his aids are very interesting right now:

Comey: “we must help Trump”
Aids: “But he is controlled by Russian operatives”
Comey: " I don’t care, spend your time trying to slime Hillary and elect a Republican"


like the crazies behind the Iran-Contra fiasco.

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And to the IRS as well.

Is this “When the shit hits the Fan” ?

May have to reserve a few cages at Gitmo. I don’t normally say this but this is the closest to treason I’ve ever seen.