This is what losing looks like.
Oh… and this-
“In the mind of the average American, there is no doubt he is a Muslim,” Paladino told the New York Observer in a phone interview. “He is not a Christian.”…;
US Constitution, Article VI, Clause 3
but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
If this keeps up, Obama won’t be reelected.
Haters gonna hate.
Ok, two things…
Oh good lord this is pathetic… is reviving conspiracy theories all they have going for them now? Do they think these are the Primaries where this kind of crud sells? Do they think they can win in the General by just appealing to their base? Do they seriously think the general public gives a damn about their ridiculous puerile fantasies vs their actual policies towards, say, Medicare, banks, SS, taxes, infrastructure, domestic and foreign policy? NOTE: This is why conmen usually fail. If they’re too successful, they grow too big, and when exposed to a much broader audience (with an average IQ > 60-70, or where most of the audience actually has more than a 4-5th grade education) they are shown for the fakes and cheats that they are.
Have these idiots realized that OBAMA IS NOT RUNNING??? Jesusrollerbladingchrist… I mean, wth???
Last throes.
(And the last time I quote Dickhead Cheney, promise!)
Paladino? There’s no doubt he’s mafia. Just look at the name. All good Americans know this.
Carl: Obama is a space shifting alien being sent from Pluto to save Earth from its worst impulses. How else do you explain the amazing ability of a black human being who is so obviously superior to you. You think he is Muslim. He goes to a Christian church. You will never catch him. He is too quick and clever for you
I see blood coming out of Carl’s whatever while crowds of Muslims stand on rooftops and cheer
If only the President were the type of good Christian who knows that there are 2 Corinthians.
There is no doubt that Carl Paladino is a delusional paranoid with the IQ of a fence post.
Don’t insult fence posts.
Carl Paladino, eh? That pretty much explains it. Next!
In Jersey City.
“…arguing that the President’s foreign policy proves he’s a Muslim” By that logic, John Boehner is actually a Jew.
why is the press taking anything Paladino says seriously? he doesn’t even realize it’s 2016 and not 2012…
Obama isn’t running…
Please proceed, dipshit.
Perhaps that is the reason the country is doing so much better than what he inherited.
“Not only that, but he’s a terrible one because he hasn’t even completed his hajj. Americans don’t tolerate Muslims, especially the ones who aren’t devout!”
But really, though, shocking this guy lost the gubernatorial election.