Andrea Mitchell hears this, says “tsk, tsk” and opines that Hillary is in deep trouble because of her email problem
I could write an entire academic paper on what’s wrong with that picture, but it does not matter.
The MSM is the final word on what is “normal”, what is “true”, what is “acceptable”…and we Democrats have no way to remedy this situation because, compared to the six groups of men who run the MSM (and direct what Mitchell says, Ryan and McConnell are plebes at Annapolis.
[We have reached peak Hillary Hate, and I’m not going to mince words anymore: The media are complicit in fomenting escalating hatred against her. Their cavalier and irresponsible repetition of lies, uncritical reporting of conservative expressions of hostility toward her, and inflammatory headlines are creating a toxic environment that must change.
The national media’s treatment of Hillary has never been great. Whether it’s endlessly discussing her “likability,” or casually referring to her as “Godzillary” or “a Lovecraftian monster, the Cthulhu of American politics,” or depicting her with devil horns, or portraying her as a towering man-crushing monster, or constantly subjecting her to Remember Your Place pictures, or saying she “must be stopped,” they have long been prominent purveyors of narratives about Hillary being History’s Greatest Monster.
But their coverage in 2016 has been a total disgrace.]
The part of the above that said that “this must change” may be the most important observation I have seen in recent weeks. The Trump scampaign’s “information arm” is the MSM.
It is sickening how the MSM have abrogated their responsibilities as so called journalists and allowed bullshit spewed by numerous people to be seen as acceptable and true. What happened in 1964 when Goldwater let loose with “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!!” in his acceptance speech at that convention was a massive backlash by journalists saying things like "This man is unhinged and should never be allowed a position of responsibility. It killed Goldwater’s chances. Now today Trump can say shit like “I can stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot someone and I won’t lose any voters.” What is the MSM response? Crickets. …chirp…chirp. The man should have been taken for a psychological evaluation as to his sanity. At a minimum removed as a viable candidate.
I’ve always wanted to ask one of the jake leg preachers in the anti-choice crusade what the hell they would do if abortion was ever banned for real like they claim they want it to be. How can they really want to see it end? It would be the end of their livelihoods.
darr, I am worried. The MSM will give Trump this election. There are tens of millions of people who are not Trumpers but are NOT as scared of Trump as we are.
It’s like harvesting or fishing…gathering up people one at a time. These MSM people have three characteristics which are indisputable:
They are for Trump
They cannot be controlled
Most people trust their judgement and depiction of social reality. Those who disagree with the MSM ARE USUALLY FURTHER TO THE RIGHT (which does not help us at all).
I at first thought that, given that the sectors of the financial world are nervous about someone as erratic and mentally off as Trump becoming President, some of their elements would be of influence in getting the MSM to allow their journalists to practice their craft.
We do our fair share of treason shout-outs in TPM comments (comments regarding Tom Cotton’s Iran letter come to mind). Of course, we’re not elected representatives.
The thing is, others will reply to the comment and analyze/discuss the merits of the charge – “Does this really rise to the level of treason?” “Is this treason? Mutinous? Or just plain assholery?”
The right has no interest in that debate. They go right to the extreme and stay there. And when that extreme isn’t extreme enough, or if the shock value has worn off, they push it farther. There’s absolutely no pushback. Dangerous little game they have there.
Emiliano, what is driving the behavior of the MSM isn’t support for Trump although it sure looks like they do support him. No, the driving force here is money. The CEO of CBS said so himself openly. It is padding the bottom line, the welfare of the country be damned if there’s money to be made. And Trump has been and is being a bonanza of epic size for these characters. Money, filthy lucre is the key. People are tuning in when trump opens his pie hole to pontificate. It’s like an ever so sssslllloooowwww train wreck we get to see repeated on a loop and when new information arrives the loop changes slightly. Over the past year we have seen trump rallies covered wall to wall like a tsunami of “breaking news!!!23!!!2!!!” Trump farts!!!. Sanders or Clinton rallies got interrupted to sell cars or diapers. Trump would tweet or call in and then the MSM would go into overdrive to cover it. Why? It wasn’t support…it was profit.
But it is still sickening.
Journalism is now infotainment. See? when I write “infotainment” spell check thinks it’s a fucking word! The world has been sent into an alternate universe.
Assuming a normal distribution of intelligence, however one wants to define it (the ability to reason, to marshal facts, to make decisions not entirely based on emotion), fully one half of the U.S. population is below average. Trump appeals to the bottom 45%.
Back in the Dark Ages when I was a girl and there were exactly 3 channels on TV, the networks, they actually did the news on a money losing basis because they thought it was their civic duty. Nobody cares about civic duty anymore. It is about the money and you know who started that? Ronald fucking Reagan. I watched this happen. I remember when suddenly labels were on the outside of clothes, sports stadiums started sprouting corporate names, and on and on and I said to my husband at some point during all this that everything is now for sale which means nothing has value.
No joke, all this hyperbole comes from plain old sexism (IMO).
After the way they’ve treated President Obama for the last seven and a half years, I think most of us have anticipated the GOP–especially its base–turning into an open sewer at the prospect of a woman POTUS.
Which they did.
I don’t know how these people reconcile calling themselves Americans with their insistence on literally imprisoning and/or murdering their political opponents. But they scare the crap out of me.