“May his days be numbered…”
Why the criticisms, folks? Trump is so dumb he openly brags he shares our secrets with his Russian spymasters. A more clever traitor (like Flynn, for example) would secretly sell out US intelligence contacts and assets.
Hey McMaster, how’d that bus look when it ran over you? Care to clarify just how the WaPo story was “false”?
Your official membership card will be arriving in the mail shortly
Malcolm Nance check in ;
Active measures are acts of war.
Hey Malcolm, thank you for your service. And look an the bright side. McMaster had the decency to not lie for the President in front of the show media while still wearing his uniform. He at least had that.
The Trump White House, a great place to take a leak!
Trump: Undisciplined mind. Undisciplined mouth. Undisciplined communicator. Undisciplined waist line. Undisciplined ethics. Undisciplined ego.
Yes, Trump has the absolute right to be stupid. And he exercised it, not for the first time.
If Ossoff and Quist win, is there a chance House GOP will snap out of it?
Well, at least he’s forthcoming about his dishonesty.
McMaster seems not to have lied. He was selective in the truth. If only his boss could learn that when it counts.
But, but, her emails!!!
I don’t know what it’s going to take, but the GOP on the Hill is obedient and obsequious to this president. Unless and until they snap out of it, this country is doomed to Trumpism forever.
Bragging about our intel to Russia? Trump is too needy to be president
So desperate is Trump to impress the Russians, it seems he’s giving away our most classified information. The only winner here is Vladimir Putin
Lock him up, lock him up…oh wait, that’s only a chant against Hillary…never mind…
That complicit perfume is starting to really reek.
[quote=“old_curmudgeon, post:12, topic:55901, full:true”]
McMaster seems not to have lied. He was selective in the truth. If only his boss could learn that when it counts.
[/quote]He said the story was false, that is a lie itself. Then he put in the other erroneous statements to absolutely deceive the audience about the facts of the meeting. When did that become okay?
Maybe it’s time our IC treat him as a double agent and feed him false information knowing he will accidentally or purposely leak it to the Russians.
Is it just coincidence that, once again, Kislyak is in the middle of another Trump scandal? Why assume Trump did it to “brag”? How do we know he isn’t an actual Russian agent as Flynn was?
Remember, the American press was not invited and they were shocked when the Russian press released photos. And they allowed the Russians to bring AV equipment into the Oval Office that could be used to bug the room.
Now accepting apologies from all the idiots who accused us of spreading fake news, lol.