Discussion: Trump Administration Moves To Roll Back Obama-Era Clean Water Policy

Fuck you, GOP. Just fuck you…


“Farmers and ranchers across this country are cheering,” said Zippy Duvall, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation. He said the Obama rule was “a federal land grab designed to put a straitjacket on farming and private businesses across this nation.”

Out of curiosity - does “Zippy” live in an area where tons of pig manure would be rolling into the waterways or no?


“Farmers and ranchers across this country are cheering,” said Zippy Duvall, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation.

“Zippy Duvall” Really?? This is the name of a cartoon character. What kind of idiot calls himself “Zippy”?? Well piss off Mr. Zippy, ya bludger.


Georgia, of fucking course.

Here’s Mr. Zippy. He’s the one on the right.


Oh Jesus…let 'em drink sludge. WTF is WRONG with these…whatevers???

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More Scumbaggery from the scumbag party

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[quote=“ralph_vonholst, post:5, topic:58227”]
Here’s Mr. Zippy. He’s the one on the right.
[/quote]Do you mean the very, very far right, where there are 2 hairy legs attached to an ass?

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Ya know, all this winning is starting to leave the taste of toxic waste in my mouth.

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I’m reading The Corporate Infiltration of American Democracy by Sheldon Whitehouse. He specifically mentions in this book the Koch Bros. want just this roll back as they are huge (UUUGE) polluters of waterways. Coincidence? Hardly.


We don’t have to worry about clean water; we’ll just do like they do in Mexico. They sell clean water in bottles.

We could do that here. All good, see?


What can you expect from someone named after a chimpanzee?

[quote=“charliee, post:11, topic:58227, full:true”]
We don’t have to worry about clean water; we’ll just do like they do in Mexico. They sell clean water in bottles.

We could do that here. All good, see?
[/quote]And we can just throw the empty plastic bottles into the streams and rivers - because, who cares about the environment anymore? I mean, it’s not even cool. We can change Earth Day to, I don’t know, Trump Day or something.
Make America Polluted Again! Winning!

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Here’s hoping Zippy’s home town gets a boil order on its water supply soonest.


Wouldn’t it be better if we burned them? All that sweet, sweet toxic gas.

Bonus: Republicans love burning things. They’re not aware of any other methods for producing energy.

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This is who came to mind first…