Discussion: Trump Admin Will End Key Obamacare Payments To Insurers

Republicans intentionally sabotage the ACA then will blame it for not working.

We knew they would do this once it became clear they didnā€™t have the votes to repeal the ACA.

Well here it is. And given the abject stupidity of a large enough segment of the population, and backed by a dishonest lie factory that is the Fright-wing misinformation network, they will likely get away with it, while millions will lose coverage and Americans will quietly die as a result.


The result of this action by Trump is a little more serious than just likely raising insurance premiums. Other media sourses are reporting that insurers and state regulators are worried this will destroy the ACA marketplaces.


This has nothing to do with health care, or even swapping health care for tax cuts.

This is the full display of Trumpā€™s raw, racist hatred.

Itā€™s why everyone, even his staff, know him to be a fool.


This is now DonTCare. No doubt about it.


Trump is not only a moron, heā€™s a hateful, vengeful, uncaring, despicable person. For taking health care away from millions, for damaging the lives of millions, for ruining the status of America as a leader in the world, for being on a course to ruin our democracy, I truly hope that he, his family, and all of his closest advisers and staff end up with their lives totally ruined and suffering in extreme emotional and physical agony. I have been through many presidents and administrations that I disagreed with and disliked. This is and hopefully will be the only group for which I have such hatred, contempt and disgust.


Chyron CNBC

White House says it canā€™t lawfully payObamacare subsidies
Spin, or what?


No they wonā€™t, if it stands . This will save my pointing it out to you later. If the order is rescinded or walked back or an appropriation made to fund the payments, I wonā€™t point that out either. There are lots of people to be heard from, and Iā€™m giving them a chance to say what theyā€™re going to do. Schumer/Pelosi have something they or their colleagues can do. It says right in the story that AG Schneiderman is going to sue. This is just one more Trump threatā€”admittedly more serious than some of them. But Chuck ā€˜nā€™ Nancy arenā€™t going to play his game passively. Schneiderman is going to get involved, too.
This is just starting.


Who knows, maybe this is ā€œnatural selectionā€ 21st century style with mentally challenged voters being culled by GOP ā€œcompassionā€. Maybe ā€¦

Congrats to all the trumpanzees who wanted the government punished because ā€¦ uh ā€¦ what was that again. Lack of compassion and consideration of your needs ??? ā€¦ HAW HAW HAW HAW ā€¦ You have placed (with your votes) the entire government and simultaneously your familyā€™s future in the hands of people who donā€™t give-a-shit about you or your family. Lotsa luck folks because these fellas are just gettinā€™ started.

Soooo ā€¦ what now ?? When things donā€™t get better for the regular olā€™ rump voter ā€¦ what are they gonnaā€™ do ā€¦ elect more Rs so they can diddle them harder ??? Yeah ā€¦ thatā€™s the ticket !!

The voters have created a situation with no one capable of helping them as itā€™s all about the votes and the Dems donā€™t have any. The republican shill cable news talking heads need to stop asking Dems what they are gonnaā€™ do about it because they cannot do a damned thing.

Remember ā€¦ Hillary warned us all ā€¦ the entire country ā€¦ but emails, emails, EMAILS ???


BUUUTā€¦it CAN lawfully pay for private charter jets and shanghied military airplanes for the political and personal boondoggles of Ryan Zinke and Steve Mnuchin and former HHS Secretary Tom Priceā€¦and countless others we still do not know aboutā€¦


Trump does not care who gets hurt as long as it appears he wins.


I assume there will be protests this weekend.

Anyone know where theyā€™re taking place?

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This feels like a kick in the gut. Itā€™s just so enraging, and I feel powerless to do anything about it. And I donā€™t even rely on the ACA for my healthcare. I can only imagine how this feels to the people who do.


I think he deserves to own it , ā€œIf your phone doesnā€™t ring, Itā€™s me not callingā€

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ā€œPresident Trump has apparently decided to punish the American people for his inability to improve our health care system."

Great line.


If it were only Trump voters whom this will hurt, Iā€™d be inclined to say at least they deserve it, that they got what they voted for. But of course a lot of people who donā€™t support Trump will be hurt by it too.


That is the Trump plan in a nutshell.


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Iā€™m sure the lying news folks will try to point out that these increases are due to Donaldā€™s changes, but Iā€™m also sure he and his loyal base will say and believe itā€™s just Obamaā€™s fault.