Discussion: Trump Admin To Propose Merger Of Education And Labor Departments

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Why the hell not? Public education (as long as it lasts) is only for training wage slaves, anyway.


Because getting educated is hard work!


The new agency could be called the Department of Education and the Workforce

He has this thing about the word “force”, Workforce, Space Force, forcing his nonsense on us . . . Oh to have a president once again with a vocabulary above 3rd grade.


Not a surprise…Trump is opposed to both public education and unions.


At this point they’re actively opposed to education in general, because they see it as supportive of liberal views. And as a practical matter, our decentralized education system means you can get a world-class education or a very substandard one depending on where you live. Folding Education into another department would further hamstring our already limited efforts to bring about more equitable educational outcomes for everyone. Rich get richer, poor get worse and worse educated children. #MAGA


Why have an educated group of workers anyway? Let China make all that stuff… wait…what trade war??



The primary functions of the Department of Education are to “establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights.”[5] The Department of Education does not establish schools or colleges.[6]

Unlike the systems of most other countries, education in the United States is highly decentralized, and the federal government and Department of Education are not heavily involved in determining curricula or educational standards (with the recent exception of the No Child Left Behind Act). This has been left to state and local school districts. The quality of educational institutions and their degrees is maintained through an informal private process known as accreditation, over which the Department of Education has no direct public jurisdictional control.

The Department of Education is a member of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness,[7] and works with federal partners to ensure proper education for homeless and runaway youth in the United States.

Opposition to the Department of Education mainly stems from conservatives, who see the department as an undermining of states rights, and libertarians who believe it results in a state-imposed leveling towards the bottom and low value for taxpayers’ money.[8]

Easy to see who they’re really targeting here.


What an utterly bizarre way to fruitlessly piddle away political capital. You couldn’t even get an ACA repeal through a Republican House and Senate and you think you’re going to just blow up a cabinet-level federal agency?

ON THE OTHER HAND, we might be rid of Betsy DeVos.


Department of Child Slave Labor.


Transl: “We will now have the Department of Forced Labor and Peonage. We will retain subsidies for private schools for Those-Who-Are-Fully-Human.”


This makes PERFECT SENSE when your ultimate goal is to REVOKE ALL CHILD LABOR LAWS.

By merging Labor and Education it can become the Department of Child Labor. Sieg Heil Herr Trump.


Ultimate republican goals:

Keep the masses stupid, sick, and poor. (They’re easier to control that way.)


The logical conclusion of this is to roll all functions of the Federal government into the Department of Defense.


Don’t forget desperate.


I noted the repub hatred toward education decades ago. Over my 40+ years at the University of Arizona i watched a year by year drop in state funding of our operating budget. In all a 95% drop. It began with GOP majorities in both state chambers in 1969 which they have maintained since. Every year I heard derogatory comments from state legislators. One accused students of using their fancy computers and phones to look at porn all day. She wanted electronics banned on campus. And for women to wear the fashion of the 1950’s…poodle skirts. I wish I were just snarking…
I retired in frustration.


I could not agree more. This has been going on for years… the Republican party feels that it can use indoctrination as opposed to education to keep in power. I first became aware of this in the mid 90’s when my son got to middle school and was forced to watch Channel one every morning. Even with unbiased education, the confluence of marketing science and the internet are going to make it harder to prevent indoctrination


Hey, they’ll be like summer camps, not gulags…


Department of Citrus and Shoe Polish …

I hope Mick Mulvaney doesn’t work himself into an early grave with his many vital projects.

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