Discussion: Trump Admin Still Resisting Giving Some Voter Fraud Commission Docs To Ex-Member

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"…a task that is solely within his province.”

We will be hearing this a lot in the coming days as a supposed basis for Trump’s jackassery.
He is not king.


Boy, for a Democracy the public sure has to go to the courts to get any information. It seems as if it is rigged for the rulers rather then the ruled, terms I shouldn’t use in a Democracy.


Hey we can’t just give up our vote suppression strategies for free


So he’s on the right track. Although we’re all shocked, simply SHOCKED, to think St. Mike Pence could be involved in anything untoward.


When they’re willing to go to the mat over this sort of routine, procedural material, you can bet there’s some really ugly stuff in there.


It’s precisely BECAUSE Pence is such a preening, self-righteous, pompous, religious clown that he should be expected to do untoward things. Religious atrocities are always done in the name of a mythical being, for the salvation of everyone, don’t you know. Excuse me while I barf.



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“What I want is I want total transparency…. You have to have transparency. All I want to do is be transparent.”
— Mango the Magnificent, September 2018


As parchment ages …… it becomes …… fragile —

“It is of no moment that others outside the White House participated in providing this advice,” the filing said. “The President may rely on anyone he chooses to advise him with respect to his exclusive appointment power with regard to the Commission.”

If I’m understanding this correctly no one is challenging the President’s right to appoint whomever he chooses to the bogus commission, but the public should have the right to see and know what all went on between the President and the commissioners. We paid for it, it’s ours.


The most transparent Administration in history!


Actually, being able to go to the courts like this is part of how things are supposed to work. Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary, remember?

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Well yes, but one shouldn’t have to go to court to find out what people who represent you, or appointed by those who represent you, are doing.

I am all for privacy except when you are representing me.


Sure. Elected reprehensibles representatives should faithfully represent those who elected them. Members of the executive branch who swear to uphold the constitution should keep their promise.

But what if they don’t? Human nature being what it is, ya know.

It would be nice if we could count on everybody to follow the rules and do the right thing. It’s just not something that I’d want to design a system around. Heck, if that trick worked, then you really could go with a “philosopher king”, Plato-style, and life would be a lot simpler.


What the fuck is your point?

Is it really that hard to understand? If you want to have a democracy (slash republic) that really works with actual humans and not just abstract principles, checks and balances are an important, even mandatory part of the system.

Your original post was whingeing about how we shouldn’t have to take people to court to make them do their jobs right, and that this was a sign that the system was “rigged for the rulers”.

My point, since you ask so nicely, is that, in systems that really are rigged for the rulers, you can’t get justice in court, because the courts work for the rulers, too. You think a Russian citizen could take Putin to court and get very far?

Actually, they probably would get far … away.

Folks, this is a good prelude to how the rest of the requests are going to play out… It’s gonna be a long fight.


Exhibit A: Mark Harris, Baptist Preacher, election fraudster.


So stocking up on popcorn will be mandatory.