Discussion: Trump Admin Reverses Course On SCOTUS Cases That Began In Obama Era

“The office’s currency and credibility before the court depends on it not being viewed as a political institution.”

♫ But that was yesterday and yesterday’s gone. ♫

Now, reflecting the greatest traditions of Mr. Chapter 11 himself, the office has zero currency and even less credibility. Indeed, the Office of the Solicitor General is actively working against the people it’s supposed to represent. Let’s hope it attains the same levels of success as everything else Cockholster touches.

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What is actually stunning is the number of supposedly intelligent experts and commentators who are shocked by modern Republicans lack of integrity and disregard for norms…

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Well that explains the travel ban on Chad. I assume Jeremy will be next.

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Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

“We have a winner! Tell 'em what they’ve won, Johnny Olson.”

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