Discussion: Trump Admin Moves To Officially Ban Bump Stocks

Damn them! Why do they hate freedom? Actually Donald just wants to rename them Trump Stocks because they remind him of shooting off his load uncontrollably!


Ok I will give credit where credit is due…
Good Job
Also should depress his base, Dump got more gun control then Obama
I am good with that
So much winning…


Day late Dollar short
The NRA Ammosexuals had enough warning and have stockpiled enough to last through the next century
The only think that will do is push up the price on the black market
Ya Right




Hopefully it will stick, but I think the Obama era justice dept. didn’t do this because they felt it would lose in a court challenge, and I think it’s a safe bet that the NRA will be doing just that.


Why, that dirty rat. Stabbed all the Nationalist Real Americans in the back. …

(Waiting for the NRA to suggest "Second Amendment Solutions… {crickets} …

Thought so.)

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Does “court supervision” mean they get to look at the books?

Bump stocks are relatively rare, especially relative to other gun products that accomplish the same thing. I’m willing to bet these other products aren’t part of the ban.

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Wasn’t there a regulatory or legal conflict that made it harder than it seemed to just ban the damn things? I seem to recall reading that somewhere. If they’ve cleared that up, good for them.

I tried to look it up, but it’s all new articles and they sort of gloss over it. I think that it was because they were ruled an accessory and therefore not subject to federal law.


Rings a bell. As @bankerpup points out, there’s a whole kind of shadowy cottage industry involved in full-auto conversions for assault rifles. Bump stocks may go, but massacres are here to stay.


But what will we tell the children?


There’s a small possibility there won’t be a lawsuit simply because bump stocks – under that name at least – have become toxic. But the 2010 analysis is hard to get around.

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First the wall retreat, now this.

It’s here! The pivot is here at last!

Hold the ball for me, Lucy. I’m going to kick that thing a mile.


It won’t matter. Anybody who wanted one of these already has one, and let’s see how far the government gets with forcing these people to surrender them. This is another case of the least Trump could do.

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I am wondering how Trump’s base will spin this to themselves. Clearly, they can not give up their devotion to either Trump or guns.

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Trump Foundation to dissolve

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Look how far the mighty NRA has fallen. The guy they funneled all that Russian money to is actually doing something sensible about guns.

And the Trump Org is folding.

And Donnie is already blinking on the shutdown

And it’s only Tuesday.

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Their poll numbers must be brutal.

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