Discussion: Trump Admin Middle East Plan To Slash Humanitarian Funds As Tensions Rise

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Basic Trumpism. Make the “little person” more miserable. Then they will be willing to accept whatever they are given.

Substitute contractor, worker, landlord, escort as needed, Toss NDA into the mix.

The U.S. aid pays for programs on education, health,
good governance and democracy promotion as well as
    disaster preparedness and security.

I mean really …

Why should the US be the only country that doesn’t have this shit ? ? …


What would you expect when you put Sheldon Adelson’s corrupt pot of money in charge of MidEast negotiations?


So the guy who came up with a VA digital healthcare program that would have killed thousands of veterans is in charge of a MidEast plan? I think the Armageddon clock just ticked closer to the end.


Well say hello to severely stepped up terror attempts against US targets. So thanks ever so, Trump et al.

If Kushner had a brain, he’d be really dangerous.


Bowing to their Israeli overlords.


And their evangelical overlords.

The evangelicals are thrilled! End times, they think they’re coming.


This maladministration is making no effort whatsoever to advance a real Middle-east peace plan. Its another one of their fucking lies. They’ve been belligerent in every way possible to real peace in the Middle-east from the moment tRump took office. The only concern seems to be if it gets HRH Prince Jared out of debt with whoever can bankroll his sinking properties the most.

Also, Netanyahu is as corrupt as the day is long…The Russian mob, working with the far right Orthodox, alongside some dogmatic Likudniks running this show in Israel, are an added gift to the Evangelical rightwing of the GOP in this country, who have tried to upend any peace process altogether for some time.

The tRumps are trying their hardest to stoke more conflict in Israel with the Palestinians so that they have a reason to pull all support for the Palestinians, particularly as self rule and a two-state solution slowly drifts away by America’s hostile attitude towards them. Its so obvious that these tRumpsters do not want to be honest brokers in a plan that involves a long process that successive US Presidents have worked on, though its true, it has sometimes been with little to show for their efforts. The one thing I’ll give the tRumpsters credit for, is that the US is no longer pretending they give a shit about Middle-east peace, like they have in the past. All pretense has been shed, and now they’re acting on pure animus towards the Palestinians, which is so disheartening for those of us that really care about Israel, and the difficulties of creating a real lasting Middle-east peace.

Moving the embassy was a stupid, hostile act that was intended to stoke a reaction. Its as simple as that. It achieved that goal, and more…and for no good reason, even as a symbolic gesture. It didn’t have to happen now. It was a symbol of defiance, and clearly timed to elicit bad feelings and ill will on the part of the Palestinians.

This is one of many foreign policy decisions and areas of crisis around the world, that have been made eminently worse by tRump and his flunky son-in-law Jared’s corrupt actions and behavior in this region. Jared should already be behind bars for treasonous behavior…and yet, this lousy NY real-estate nobody is in charge of stuff he has no business being in charge of…He’s got conflicts of interest up the yin-yang. He needs to go.


The US embassy in Jerusalem is simply a symbol of an evil power. That’s what we’ve become. It’s absolutely sickening and shameful.


Adjacent to interests of the Trump organization.

Or Russian money launderers. Same difference.


The first step in J-Wretch’s new peace plan will be to employ native seal pup hunters to club to death all Palestinian children. This will cut the need for aid by a third.

The final solution for adults is still being worked out, various well know historical methods are being tossed around as options.

All of this Makes America So Great Again of course.


They are starting the eviction process in East Jerusalem and Gaza. With the money laundering-real estate loopholes closing in USA Bibi is offering the Russian money Kushner managed and Trump named properties in Israel. When the Blue Wave rolls in this November I say we let the Trumps and Kushner and Cohen go free. And send all GOP leadership to jail–they are the real traitors.


AFAIC Jerusalem itself is a symbol of 5000 years of humans murdering each other over beliefs in various supernatural entities. Personally I wish it was gone from the face of the earth.

Along with the fucking epoch it represents.


Short Jared: The working class can kiss my ass, I got my Qatari dough at last.


“The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from ancient Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum.” – Thomas Paine


I can’t wait until Mueller or Israel’s high court connects the dots to this guy.

Another Russian oligarch that has his hands in this mess, no doubt in my mind, from everything I’ve read about him.


Have Kushner and Greenblatt met with anybody other than Sheldon Adelson? Of course it makes it much easier to devise a peace plan when you don’t get bogged down with the conflicts between the principals.


Yep, the sure way to get Palestinian buy-in: put out a peace plan written by guys named Kushner and Greenblatt.