Trump is a total idiot, the sooner people forget about this the better, and tweeting about it only accomplishes making his detractors even angrier. His supporters don’t need convincing.
Keep tweeting, fuckwit.
There is no way this could have been made public without the Republicans claiming it was being politicized. America has to fight both the Russians and the Republicans.
Trump is president. The question therefore, is why he is doing nothing about Russian interference in the recent elections?
So, does that mean Trump will unfire Comey now?
Since the intelligence community agrees the Russians are not leaving and will continue to influence our elections and in other countries (Brexit in the UK, France, Germany, Ukraine, etc.etc,) the most important question is Donald what are you doing to protect the integrity of our elections?
Precisely, what has Trump done regarding the Russian Meddling? Absolutely NOTHING except try to cover it up.
Trump does NOTHING but rant and rave and blame everything on someone else, sign meaningless executive orders, and scarf money off the taxpayers. He is a penultimate schmuck and robber baron.
Correct. The big and obvious question, which I’d like to see TPM look into/raise, is: Is the GOP leader (note: not ‘Trump’ but the ‘GOP leader’) anticipating and hoping for Russian interference in 2018? If he is not, why hasn’t he taken a single preventive measure?
This is a great way to flush him out.
Trump is still unconcerned about a direct and directed attack on the US by a foreign enemy.
Trump was involved. His deflection onto President Obama proves it.
He’s the penultimate schmuck only if you’re considering that father Fred was the ultimate schmuck which seems to be very likely.
@padfoot We should be grateful he took time out from his Saturday golf game to speak to the American people. 36 rounds take a long time, and anything more than a few 140-character blasts would be disruptive. P.S. The average golfer like The Old Man plays just 18 holes but he’s mortal. trumpet’s a dog.
The Donald takes no questions. He has no answers.
President Obama should have “done something,” you say? President Obama should have had your ass arrested and locked up in Guantanamo, you say? I agree.
Next WH press briefing: Question: “Sean, does this mean the President believes the Russians meddled in the election to help him get elected.”
Spicer: “I’ve never talked to the President about that issue, nor have I ever heard it mentioned in the White House at all. I’ll get back to you. Until then, the tweet speaks for itself.”
My dog, you’ve nailed Spicer.
Unfortunately, all their crap is getting too predictable and is starting to pass by without the outrage it all deserves and demands…
Russo-publicans, aka Reds
The Putin Party
The Mason-Moscow Line?
Red State Comrades?
The GOPOP - The Grand Old Party Of Putin?
That’s two weeks playing 12 hours a day straight!
(36 holes, well that’s another story…)
This is of course why President Obama took it no further. He understood the instant politicization of the issue and the Rs would have called for Clinton to be impeached on day one as some of the crazier ones called for during the campaign. The burn of a president acting they way orange does without a mandate and the entire congress for that matter goes as deep and hot as it is possible.
@metaghost 36 rounds, oops. This is why The Old Man continues to be disappointed in me. I’ve never listened to any of his stories about the 18 HOLES he’s played on any given day. Haha
Now that Trump no longer considers Russia meddling in our election as fake news I wonder if his base is okay that Russia did meddle in the election and will continue to do so. In other words is his base now rooting for Russia?