Discussion: Trump Accuses Obama Of Watergate-Like Scheme To Wire Tap His Phones

I keep waiting for the Onion to confess Trump is the biggest prank they’ve ever pulled…


If Trump’s phone was tapped (and I’m quite sure it was, because Trump said so, and he never lies), then there must have been a court order. And that court order must have been based on a reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing. And it happened in October.

So, what reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing might have been raised in October, regarding Trump? You guessed it: Russian hacking of the election. Which in turn implies that the warrant was issued by the super-secret FISA court (well-known to almost never refuse a warrant request.)

And that means that the either the FBI, or the CIA, or the NSA, knows a lot about what was really going on.

And Trump knows they know, because this morning, he was briefed.


Our Toddler-in-Chief is completely unhinged. Dangerous!


Yeah, that was my first thought when I saw that string of deranged tweets. Those were a kind of tweets when someone is feeling cornered.


How long are we suppose to put up with lying crook? Congress what the hell? Do your fucking job before this sack of shit ruins our country. This is not a partisan issue both party’s should be working on articles of impeachment for both trump and pence.

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I don’t even my trusty tinfoil hat to worry about that on a daily basis…


I don’t get up until about 10 - 10:30 these days.



I haven’t seen evidence that his base, the GOP or right wing media is going to abandon trump anytime soon. Even if there are a handful of sane republicans, the Trump true believers will threaten the shit out of them. I know we have to do whatever we can legally to get the monster out of there, but I have a terrible feeling its gonna end up being bloody. His fanatic base has been stockpiling weapons for years. They will see this situation as exactly what Trump is planting in these tweets – that he is the innocent victim of an attempted democrat-party coup and that their country is being stolen from them.


Where do you get this stuff?! All good, and all brings a much-needed chuckle.


Somehow I get the feeling that the moron is going to quit soon. He will probably make a deal which exonerates him from any wrong doing. He wants to be free from the mess he has gotten himself into. And he is scared to go to jail and lose the money he has.

And he will blame Obama. And his followers will buy it so will the RW media.

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Yes, Donald. Yes, Mr. Chaffetz, Mr. Sessions, and the rest of the GOP. Bring President Obama before a congressional investigative committee. That worked sooooo well for 11 hours with Hillary Clinton.
I would love to see Obama swat down Jason Chaffetz like the little shit-eating horsefly that he is. The only thing I would ask is that Obama, in the middle of questioning, would hold up a sign with the words “Duck Season” written on it. Although I don’t think Chaffetz and the rest of the GOP would get the joke.
Oh, and another comment about Donald’s morning Twats…er, Tweets:


Yes, of course Shabbat! It’s the JEWS trying to bring him down! No. Wait. AAYYIIIIEEEEE!



Then where have they been? They could have confronted us on the streets from 1/21 forward, or at the airports or at our senators and reps’ offices. We’ve been out there - where is this phantom army of fat old fools that you are convinced exists?

They don’t.


CIA witness protection program?

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Then he tweets about Arnald at the end. That was just funny. This one sick puppy.


Apparently, Trump again fails to distinguish between fantasy and reality.



Yes, the GOP would be stupid enough to hold a congressional hearing about fucking donuts.


They’d have to make the center holes very small for fellow Republicans, though.


No need. We wouldn’t be in this mess if more people made a habit out of getting serious about stuff more often. And that goes for certain folks on our own side. Snark is not the only or necessarily best way to respond to every damn thing.


Former Obama Deputy National Security Adviser