Discussion: Trent Lott Goes To Bat For Frats In Wake Of Rolling Stone's UVA Story

Discussion for article #230927

If anyone looks like he had the Pole Position at the annual frat gangbang during the Johnson administration, it would have to be Trent.

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SoMEone NEEDs to CombAT whITE maLE oPPRESSION. IF not TREnt, than WHO??? DEMonrat libtARDS OPRess WHITe MALEs!!!1!one1!!!


Frat boy cheerleader sez wut!? … color me shocked…

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I’m being oppressed!

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Trent Lott has been hired by fraternities to “Fight for Your Right to Party!”

Sorry Beastie Boys, had to do it!


Lobbying for ‘FratBoysWillBeFratBoys’ : If girls don’t want to risk being raped, don’t go to college!!!

FIFY, Trent.


Isn’t it sad how the GOP loves to decry Gummint interference in private matters-until it hits home.


So, in a totally unexpected turn of events, the concerted effort of the frat, several old school upstart-hating news organizations and a clutch of conservative extremist activists to pick apart some of the details of Jackie’s story has morphed instantaneously into proof positive that Jackie just made the whole thing up, the entire greek system has been exonerated and, being the true victims here, deserve an apology and restitution.

Yeah, never saw that coming. Totally didn’t believe I was in any way looking at any kind of predictable orchestrated pushback by the powerful alumni who always rally to the defense of the greek system whenever negative publicity rears its ugly head.

And, honestly, here’s the real problem with the Rolling Stone’s failure to report more deeply. Frat alum are rich, they are powerful, they are pervasive, and they are far more loyal to their frat or sorority, and to the greek system in general, than they are to their school. And a big part of being in a frat or sorority is indoctrination in reflexive and absolute defense of the system, either by means of an attack on the victim, an attack on the career of any college professor or administrator who dares try to rein them in, or, in the extreme cases where there is incontrovertible proof of wrong doing, by throwing individual members or chapters under the bus with the faithful ol’ “few bad apples” defense. Thus has it always been. To attack the greek system is to invite a full-on mad-dog attack by rich and powerful people, and you better be damn sure you’ve got an absolutely unassailable position from which to return fire.


“changes in how schools address sexual assault on campus”

Yeah, and number one should be they don’t handle them on campus, period. Just like the military, they can’t be fucking trusted to deal with it appropriately if left to their own devices. There is too much money and too much prestige at stake. They should be forced to treat it like reporting requirements for doctors and their involvement in the investigation and prosecution of any offenses should be severely restricted and narrowly defined. Sexual assault is first and foremost a matter for law enforcement, not the deans’ office.



HUH? Trent Lott “has been hired to lobby Congress on behalf of a group of fraternities” to achieve a “full measure of constitutional protections to all parties?” HUH??

Now I know why I always hated the bow-tie and blazer boys at OleMiss games.

So says the darling of the CCC.

CCC. Ha ha ha – get it? That’s pretty hilarious right there, I don’t care which side of the Mason-Dixon line you’re from.

CCC? Civilian Conservation Corps?, (that was some commie outfit). On topic, didn’t Trent apologize and resign over his feelings about not so white people?

Hey, Trent, whatever happened to states rights? Guess you figure it will be even harder to get Congress to move on this than individual states.

It’s scarier than can be imagined.