Well, time to arrest Fred Armisen’s ugly cousin.
Just joking, of course. This is America, and he’s rich.
Put this man in jail.
Need to issue the subpoena and initiate contempt proceedings. Can’t put up with this level of arrogance. The law is clear here. Have to enforce it.
Not sure that Fat Donnie’s run out the clock strategy is going to work like he thinks it will.
“John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!”
To slightly misquote LOTR, we’re standing on the edge of a knife.
Trump has got two choices.
(a) Emperor of Russia West
(b) Jail
And that really represents his only two choices for his future on earth. And I am not being flippant.
I may never recover from the shock. . . . Oh, I seem to have recovered already.
All evil is transitory. This too shall pass.
But for now, we need to hit 'em right between the eyes with a 2 x 4 – metaphorically / legally speaking, of course…
The Trump people have Shakespearean ambitions. Imagine the stage play “Trump!”
screw the subpoena. The statute is clear, and Mnuchin is in violation of the statute.
Its time to use Congress’ inherent contempt powers – but only if its done for impeachment purposes (it would be a really bad idea to provide the GOP a precedent to use inherent contempt for “oversight”…imagine the abuse.)
So form an impeachment investigation committee. Request Trump’s tax returns from Neal. When he says that Mnuchin has violated the law, and is not turning them over, throw his privileged ass in the nastiest, most rat-infested basement room in the Capitol that can be found.
Quelle Surprise
Republicans are convinced crime pays better than an honest job.
He will be asking to negotiate next. This guy is going down. Good riddance.
It will have to be a farce.
Also, it is reassuring that an article finally makes it clear that Mnuchin is showing contempt toward the US Congress and not merely toward the Dems.
Look, Jerry Falwell, that paragon of christian values we’ve never heard of, and all those in the same sinking ark, can claim that this is all a witch hunt, but the rest of us are asking that big question:
What is Trump hiding that he is spending more time trying to cover something up than he is spending on infrastructure (or any legislation besides jailing asylum seekers) legislation?
Of course he did. Because the ultimate arbiter of a “legitimate legislative purpose” in our Constitutional system is the Secretary of the Treasury, who produced a Lego movie and a Tarzan movie and used a United States Air Force jet to go see a solar eclipse.
He hates that he has to associate with anyone.