The Treasury Department’s inspector general has agreed to look into the delay of the design and printing of the new $20 bill featuring Harriet Tubman, after Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) requested the watchdog look into it.
So, all Trump has to do is instruct everyone in his administration, and especially those involved in the delay decision, to not cooperate with the IG, right? Refuse to answer questions. Refuse to show up for requested interviews or meetings. Refuse to provide documents. I fail to see how the IG can discover anything, no one has to help him/her, right?
yes let’s bring that racism out in the open
I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this…
Bob has a new can opener, so it’s all good.
No doubt, that is where all the bottom fish like Mnuchin live.
They are going to look into the delay to see if they can create a new and improved delay going forward.
We have a president that his lackeys tried to hide a warship because it was named “John McCain”, do you think he is going to tolerate having a black woman on a currency bill?
Have to love that our Federal Government has Inspector Generals who are embedded in the organizations and report back to the leaders of said organization and are ultimately managed by them…
You’d think that we’d have an independent body who could do, well, independent investigations free from influence.
I’m sure that there will be no findings of note, as they diligently work to bury it.
Treasury Department’s inspector general has agreed to look into the delay of the design and printing of the new $20 bill…
As soon as Donald get one officially appointed?
Independent investigations is so 2 1/2 years ago. This administration wants a Roy Cohn in every position.
Compared to the other (“I’m-looking-into”) thing that’s coming for Munchkin down the pike…this is a snap…
Naw. It’s a structural thing. Been a problem going back decades.
Hint: Save some time and start by looking at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
What is there to look at? Steve Mnuchin did what either he thought his boss would want or what he was told by the infant terrible. Either way it was done for the most racist of reasons.
Even if the investigation proceeds, the one thing to know with utter certainty is that if a very large organization doesn’t want to do a thing… then the “plausible” reasons for delaying or raising costs to get to not doing it will fill an ocean.
Let’s assume the hypothesis is correct: Mnuchin did delay the Tubman bill to avoid a predictable PR disaster.
Does that actually count as “employee misconduct?”
I mean, of all the outright illegal and improper things Trump cronies have done, this doesn’t seem egregious. I really wonder how and whether the IG could detect malfeasance in this case. It’s not like Mnuchin is imprisoning the designers in cages.
None of this is to say that I think it’s unimportant to put Tubman on the $20. I just wonder whether the impropriety here has such a light touch that it’ll hard to nail down, especially when the folks with power are all self-appointed members of Trump’s They’ll Never Break Us gang.
May I offer to save folks a bit of time…Trump told Stevie to deep six the bill…Mnuchin obeyed…merriment ensued…
Many people are saying Louise Linton will appear on the $20 in blackface…
Everybody’s happy then…