Here we go.
Yes, they were leaked. Move on.
They weren’t voluntarily disclosed like evidence of criminal activity usually is?
Fake news!
OT but I wish Trump’s father had pulled out of something one night 71 years ago.
They are gonna need a bigger SQUIRREL
Good. That’s exactly the sort of thing an IG should look into. Literally the purpose of their office.
I’m tickled pink at Avenatti putting egg on Michael Cohen’s face, but Cohen’s personal financial documents shouldn’t be subject to arbitrary release just because he’s a pig-headed traitorous idiot.
Illegitimately wielding the powers of one’s office in order to damage one’s political opponents is exactly what we fear/accuse Trump of doing. It’s not how we do business.
Call Jeffy!! We got a leak on the Trumptanic!!
Well, DOH!
Let’s shoot the whistle bnlower, instead of the crook.
Despite how we, the public, came to know of this it’s clear that Mueller knew all about this as indicated by his detention and questioning of Vekselberg. This is old new to the investigators, it’s only news to all others, except the guilty, of course.
Trump administration has zero evidence that anyone committed a crime regarding Cohen’s banking records:
- Immediate, all-out, emergency crisis response with comprehensive criminal investigation.
Trump administration given incontrovertible evidence of Russian military attack on United States from 17 federal intelligence agencies:
- (Yawn)
Sir Wally Scott to the rescue…‘Oh! what a tangled web we weave : When first we practice to deceive!’
So the GOpers had them leaked to give themselves a (poor) argument about witch hunts and bias and “oh, any charges should be dropped because this is beyond the pale”. Yawn.
I’m going with “Yes”, and by a GODDAMN PATRIOT, that’s who.
You must have seen that on FOXNews.
I get your point. But these are strange times. Strange and bordering on the scary.
One could make the argument that this amounts to the actions of a whistleblower, exposing criminal activity at the highest levels of government.
Not his banking activities, though.
The GOP Squawk Squad has partially succeeded in getting Amerika to believe the Mueller investigation is politically motivated (even though Mueller is a Republican).
Register people to vote then get to the polls! This is neither normal nor the real America.
Typical “Shoot the Messenger” mentality of the Trump Administration.