Discussion: Transportation Secretary Chao Has Used Government Planes 7 Times This Year

The Paris Air Show. Sorry, we could not find a commercial flight to Paris that fit our schedule…


I wonder what the deal is that they don’t have to reimburse the FAA. Only thing I can think of is that the planes and pilots are already in the air for other reasons, and it doesn’t matter so much where they go.

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I would like to know how Cabinet Secretaries traveled in previous administrations. What was customary? Anybody?

Her Net Worth Is $24 Million

She was Transportation Secretary in the dubya regime, so transporting herself is still part of her job description.

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I hereby call on Senate Majority Leader McConnell to institute deportation proceedings!!!

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I wonder when Elaine will channel “Hot Tub” Tom DeLay and proclaim “I am the Federal Aviation Administration.”

Chao is as crooked, incompetent and sleazy as Mitch McConnell.

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Well, there were times I really could not understand why anyone would take a job in the Trump admin, but now I see….it’s all about living the high life of chartered planes and expense accounts. Meanwhile, would someone tell Elaine Chao that helmet hair just does not fit in with the Trump harem. Must have looooooooong, straight, blown dry Spaniels-ears of hair framing the face. And a bit more cleavage and bling is a must.


She had this job before, and she knows how the game is played. If she did wrong, she won’t get caught. She also has her spineless husband to advise her …

Sure, because she is a grifter,married to a grifter , working for a grifter in a cabinet full of grifters.

IOKIYAR, and married to someone who believes you should take Healthcare from 20-30 Milion people while a privileged few get to make their own rules.
How can she be married to the Turtle and be so politically tone-deaf?
It’s simple, really.
She does not care any more than her husband does about rules for anyone with influence, power, and money.
(She makes $199,700/yr)
(He makes $ 193,400/yr)
(Both wife and husband are worth more than $20 Million each)
Sources: Wikipedia and Google

Reminder: Chao attended the mandatory roll-out of Infrastructure, than became a Donald Rant about whatever.
Another observation: her staff were on hand to shovel out a smoke/mirror - but look the previous guy did. I assume that higher math is not a strength of GOP readers, because 115/5 years=23 per year. So it makes a non-comparison.

Drain the swamp isn't working.