Discussion: Trade War, Immigration Battles Loom As Congress Returns To Work

Congress returns to work?

Is that a joke or a euphemism?


They are always returning from something… but they certainly do not return ‘to’ work.


Republicans will say and do nothing. Feckless and contaminated by their own careerism and greed. They don’t care one bit for the country and have long since abdicated their responsibility to their oath of office.



That about wraps it up. You need to add a mic drop!

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On the other hand, Oleg Deripaska and Putin will be pleased to hear this. Even though sanctions were ordered by Congress on his aluminum empire, our own Treasury Dept. under Mnuchin chose to slow-walk the sanctions against Deripaska instead. Congress had to make tRump sanction Russia since he wouldn’t do so originally, and even so, he still found a way to delay the harshest sanctions in a way that continues to benefit Putin.

The administration’s official position is that the sanctions will still go into effect eventually, if Oleg Deripaska does not divest and relinquish control of the firm. But Treasury’s actions suggest that it is eager to avoid inconveniencing Rusal’s business partners, and thus, that some mutually agreeable arrangement will likely be reached between the U.S. and the company before the wind-down period is through. Or so markets seem to believe: Shortly after Mnuchin’s announcement Monday, global aluminum prices nose-dived.

This is Krugman’s “simplified” explanation of trade wars. I’m not a economist nor do I play one on TV, so I might have to read it a couple times!

“Another summer, another heavy work load,” tweeted Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, "

Waaahhhh - sometimes I have to work all year round just like the damned middle class - no fair!

Meanwhile the US Ambassador to Germany is stepping in it

German politicians have criticised Donald Trump’s new ambassador to Germany after he said he wanted to “empower” anti-establishment rightwing forces throughout Europe.

In an interview with the far-right news outlet Breitbart over the weekend, Richard Grenell, who has been in office for less than a month, said: “I absolutely want to empower other conservatives throughout Europe, other leaders.

A spokesperson for the German foreign ministry said on Monday that the government had asked Breitbart to confirm the authenticity of Grenell’s comments and that the US ambassador would be expected to “explain what he meant” during his first official visit to the foreign ministry on Thursday.

Angela Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said the chancellor had registered the comments made by the US ambassador but would not comment on the matter.

I guess it would spoil “the magic of the moment” at the upcomming G7 meeting if he was declared “Persona Non Grata”.

Wishful thinking?