‘What is the meaning of this word, “deficit”?’
For certain vulture capitalists shorting America, Trump just hit another data point that is going to make them richer and everybody else poorer. Like the soaring government debt, serious trade imbalances leave the Democrats with very little room to maneuver when they eventually do win back the presidency and Senate. Scorched earth.
Trade wars are good, and easy to win.
America frist!
Now I know nobody thinks this will be awkward for him. He’s probably already tweeting about how this, like every other fact about the universe, only goes to prove how right and awesome he is about everything.
Don’t tell me… Lou Dobbs will spin this as actually “winning”. Another promise kept!
Must be those Chinese camera lenses I bought myself for Christmas.
Call the Center for Dumbfuck Control!
Well I, for one, am totally impressed and in complete awe.
How does he do it?
WARNING: Stable Genius at Work
We’ve idiot proofed every product in America, and it has worked. The “too stupid to live” crowd lived, grew up, and they are now voting.
I say get the idiot warning labels OFF stuff. They don’t have them in Europe, and it’s fine. You can actually open things there without a Craftmaster tool kit. I say if you want to blow dry your hair in the shower, GO FOR IT. Put the plastic bag over your head, eat the silicon packet because of COURSE your new purse comes with a free snack, jam your fork in the light socket — WHAT EVER.
Let natural selection run its course. I have totally lost my patience with these idiots.
Mitakons? I love them! Do we even make camera gear in this country?
Commerce Department figures released Wednesday undermined a key commitment by President Donald Trump
Entirely awful.
Entirely predictable.
It was all Obama’s fault.
Lock Hillary Up!
Expected Trump tweets.