Discussion: Top US General: China, Russia Military Threats 'Very Real' Compared To Border

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the top U.S. general for homeland defense said Tuesday that he sees no military threat coming from the southern border with Mexico, but his focus in on “very real” threats from China and Russia in the north

Will Trump bother tweeting that he has “full confidence” in O’Shaughnessy, or will he skip right to the tweet announcing that he’s been dishonorably discharged?


Air Force Gen. Terrence O’Shaughnessy, commander, U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command, told a Senate committee that proposed barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border could increase security against any potential military threats coming from the south.

So an organized military that has gone to the bother of massing forces and equipment at the southern border is going to be deterrred by Trump's fricking steel slat, see through fencing? For how long, the 15 minutes it take to roll over it with some massive tank, or blow it up with placed charges? WTF?

I’m pretty sure this is the guy who I commented on during the SOTU as sitting there rigidly, looking like he was fighting an internal battle between breaking down weeping and flying into a mindless rage. I can only imagine what goes on in the minds of people like him when they are forced to confront the reality of President Dunning-Kruger.


Well that is a “increase” in security.

This is not about Trump

Trump is nothing without his enablers in Congress and those enablers are not insane like Trump.

They are merely cowardly.


And too many of them vote in the U.S. Senate.


“he plans to use Defense Department funds from…counter-drug programs to pay for it.”

followed by

“Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, argued that the shipment of illegal drugs from Mexico into the U.S. has caused tens of thousands of deaths, and that it constituted an emergency.”

Fucking idiots will say and support anything to try to keep this country white.


Whatever he does will be calculated to accentuate the feeling of inevitability and authority. Trump’s enablers in his immediate circle have mastered that. They have also mastered the art of getting Trump to look “competent” for those wanting to BELIEVE that he is.

Trump and his immediate circle are con men, after all.


What a shame that Trump keeps his intelligence secret from his Generals. If only they knew the statistics he has from many, many sources, they wouldn’t get egg on their face like this by underestimating the threat.


Interestingly, with the exception of providing contraception and abortions.

For people who hate non-whites so much, you’d think they’d be more progressive on those fronts…


Here’s a video if you want to hear what they said.

They do not understand Trump considers China, and Russia for sure , as allies.
They rule like he wants to .
His enablers in congress would be the first to go since they would finally understand how stupid they are and would want an mulligan.

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Whether tRump’s enablers are insane or cowardly, they also represent a threat to our security, same as tRump.


“The threat isn’t military, and still we’ll take $6 billion out of the defense budget to deal with it?” said Kaine. “If we set that precedent, I certainly can foresee a day when a president is going to say 40,000 gun deaths a year are an emergency, and why don’t we take money out of the Pentagon budget to deal with that?”

Any R senators debating how to vote should chew on that one for awhile.


Donnie: Okay, maybe Jina because they have funny eyes, but Russia is like a second home to me. Or at least, it will be soon…


Pffft. What do generals know about defense? Donald knows more about everything than all ‘his’ generals. But don’t take my word for it; just ask him.


I thought Jared was in charge of ending the drug crisis in the country. But let the idiots argue with a general over security issues and what’s important. By all means.


Sullivan said the poor condition of the U.S. ship is a disgrace, and the U.S. needs more ability to counter Russia and China in the arctic.

Don’t worry, Senator, President Very Stable Genius has it covered. He’s going to melt all the polar ice so you won’t need icebreakers at all.


Jared’s only in charge of the opioid crisis. These opioids aren’t coming across the Mexican border. They’re made right here in the good ol’ US of A. Not Jared’s fault. Besides, Jared is busy lamenting his stillborn peace plan.